Will of Robert Grainge of Little Horwood, yeoman, 1649
National Archives, PROB 11/211/265
[p.1] In the Name of God Amen the eighteenth day of October in the yeare of our lord God accordinge to the computac(i)on of the church of England one thousand sixe hundred fortie and nyne I Robert Grainge of Little Horwood in the Countie of Bucks yeoman beinge weake in bodie but stronge in mind and of a perfect memorie (God be praised) doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in writinge, Revokinge hereby both in deede in Lawe all other former Wills and Testaments. First I com(m)end my soule into the hands of God my Maker hopeinge assuredly through the only merritts of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour and Redeemer to be made partaker of life everlastinge, and to enioy the glorious company of the heavenly Angells and blessed Saints for evermore. And as concerninge my bodie even w(i)th a good Will and free heart I give it over and com(m)end to the earth whereof it came, and to be decently buried in the Chauncell of the Church of Little Horwood aforesaid at the discrecion of my executor hereafter named, nothinge doubtinge but at the great day of the generall Resurrect(i)on I shall receive the same againe by the Almightie power of God not a corruptible mortall weake and vile bodie as now it is, but an uncorruptible immortall stronge and perfect bodie And as concerninge my worldlie estate with wh(i)ch God hath blessed me I will and dispose of the same in manner and forme followinge. First and touchinge Elizabeth my wife w(i)th whome I coupled my selfe in the feare of God for the love I beare unto her and for the better education and maintenance of my children. I give and bequeath unto her one Annuitie or yearely Rentcharge of Fortie pounds of good and lawfull English money to be issuinge goeinge forth taken and payable out of all that my Messuage in Little Harwood aforesaid wherein I now dwell. And one of all these my lands, Tenements and hereditaments w(i)th app(ur)ten(a)nces in Little Harwood aforesaid and belonginge to the said Messuage or usually enioyed and so occupied therew(i)th, and com(m)only called or knowen by the name of Agnes Fee, To have hould enioy[?] receive and take the said Anuity or yearely Rentcharge of Fortie pounds unto the said Elizabeth my wife and unto her assignes to the only proper use and behoofe of my said wife and her assignes for and duringe her widdowhood, at the two most usuall daies of payment in the yeare that is to saie, the five and twentieth day of March and the nyne and twentieth day of September by even and equall porc(i)ons. The first payment thereof to comence \and/ at the next of the said daies of payment w(hi)ch shall happen after my decease. And if it shall happen the said Anuitie or yearelie rent charge of Fortie poundes, as my payment thereof, or any parte or parcell thereof at any time hereafter to be behind and unpaid by the space of Twentie daies over or next after either or any of the said daies in w(hi)ch the same by the purpose and true meaninge of this my last Will ought to be paid as aforesaid, That then and from henceforth and soe often it shall and may be lawfull to and for my said wife and her assignes, into the said Messuage, Lands, Tenements and p(re)misses, and into every or any parte thereof to enter and there to distreyne, And the distresse and distresses then and their from time to time found and taken lawfully to drive, leade, chase away and impound, and the same impound to detaine and keepe suche the said Anuitie or yearely Rentcharge of Fortie poundes, and every parte thereof soe arrears behind[?] and unpaid, together w(i)th the arreares thereof (yf any shall then happen and be) w(i)th all costs, charges and damages to be had or susteyned by occasion or reason of such distresse or distresses soe hereafter to be taken and impounded shalbe unto my said wife and unto her assignes fully satisfied contented and paid. In considerac(i)on of w(hi)ch guift and bequest made by me unto my said wife in manner and forme aforesaid my desire and will is that she my said wife shall at her only proper costs and charges educate maintaine and bringe upp all such my children w(hi)ch shall after my decease dwell with her for soe longe time as my said children respectively duringe theire minorities shall w(i)th the consent of my Executors hereafter named dwell w(i)th her theire said Mother. Moreover as touchinge my children whilest[?] I am fully persuaded that God accordinge to his promise wilbe a Father unto them And that if they live] in his feare will see them lacke nothinge, yet since the Laws of God and Nature require that I show[?] & have a reasonable care of them I give and bequeath unto my eldest sonne John Grainge and his heires for ever All that my Messuage in Little Harwood aforesaid wherein I nowe dwell. And all those my said Lands Tenements and hereditaments in Little Harwood aforesaid belonginge unto the said Messuage, or usually occupyed and enioyed therew(ith) and comonly called or knowen by the name of Aynes Fee, together w(i)th their and every of theire app(ur)ten(a)nces (except all that those called Abbotts meade w(i)th thapp(ur)ten(a)nces). Nevertheles subject and liable to the payment of the said Ann(u)itie or yearely Rentcharge of Fortie pounds by me given and bequeathed unto my said wife as aforesaid. Likewise I doe give and bequeath unto my said sonne John Grainge and unto the heires his heires forever all my lands Tenem(e)nts and hereditaments w(i)th their and every of theire app(ur)ten(a)nces
[p.2] in the Countie of Bedford. And the said p(re)misses in Little Harwood aforesaid And the said p(re)misses lyeinge and beinge in the said Countie of Bedford devised unto my said sonne John Grainge as aforesaid to be held and enioyed by him the said John Grainge and his heires and to take effect in possession when my sonne John Grainge shall accomplish the age of one and twentie yeares, and not before. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my said wife the use of all my howshould stuffe (except my Lynnen) until my said sonne John Grainge shall attaine unto his said age of one and twentie yeares and from and after my said sonne his said age of one and twentie yeares My will and mind is that all my said howshould stuffe (except my lynnen) shall accrew and come unto my said sonne John Grainge and that he shall have and enioy the same (except before excepted) to his owne proper use and behoofe. Item I doe devise and bequeath unto my said wife All my said lynnen To the intent and upon condic(i)on nevertheles That she shall before her decease or by her last Will make disposic(i)on thereof or of other lynnen of as good a valewe as my said lynnenn shalbe at my decease unto my children or unto such of them as she in her discrec(i)on shall thinke fitt. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my sonne Robert Grainge and unto his heires forever All that my impropriate Parsonage or Rectorie and all my tithes, and gleabe lands whatsoever in Little Harwood aforesaid, together w(i)th the Advowson of the Vicaridge of Little Harwood aforesaid and all other thapp(ur)ten(a)nces to the said Rectorie or Parsonage Gleabeland and Tithes or unto any of them belonginge (except the howse lately built by me w(i)th thapp(ur)ten(a)nces) the said last menc(i)oned p(re)misses by me devised unto my said sonne Robert Grainge as aforesaid (except before excepted, To be held and enjoyed by him the said Robert Grainge and his heires And to take effect in possession when my said sonne Robert Grainge shall accomplish the said age of one and twentie yeares and not before Item I doe give and bequeath unto my said sonne Robert Grainge the sum(m)e of Three hundred pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto him together w(i)th the proceed and increase that shalbe made thereof (deductinge such moneys as are to be deducted accordinge to this my last Will) when my said sonne Robert Grainge shall accomplish his said age of one and twenty yeares. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my sonne Richard Grainge and unto his heires forever All that the before menc(i)oned close called Abbots meade w(i)th the app(ur)ten(a)nces in Little Harwood aforesaid. The said last menc(i)oned p(re)misses by me devised unto my said sonne Richard Grainge as aforesaid, to be held and enioyed by him the said Richard Grainge and his heires And to take effect in possession when my said sonne Richard Grainge shall attained unto his age of one and twentie yeares and not before, Provided alwaies and upon condic(i)on nevertheles that if my said eldest sonne John Grainge shall within a yeare next after he attaine unto his age of one and twentie yeares surrender unto the use of my said sonne Richard and his heires forever All those Coppiehold lands Tenements and hereditaments w(hi)ch I lately purchased of Richard Edmondes of Winslowe gen(t) beinge com(m)only reputed and taken to be a Yard Land and a halfe yard Land, Then the before menc(i)oned bequests of the before menc(i)oned close called Abbotts meade w(i)th the app(ur)tences unto my said sonne Richard Grainge shalbe void. And that then and from thenceforth my will and meaninge is that the said Close called Abbotts meade w(i)th the app(ur)ten(a)nces shalbe and remaine unto my \said/ eldest sonne John Grainge and unto the heires and assignes forever. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my said sonne Richard Grainge the sum(m)e of Five hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him together w(i)th the proceed and increase that shalbe made thereof (deductinge such moneys as are to be deducted accordinge to this my last Will) when my said sonne Richard Grainge shall accomplish his said age of one and twentie yeares Item I doe give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth the sum(m)e of Five hundred pounds of lawfull English money, to be paid unto her together w(i)th the increase and proceed that shall be made thereof (deducting such moneys as are to be deducted) accordinge to this my last Will, when my said daughter Elizabeth shall attaine unto her age of one and twentie yeares or shalbe first married w(hi)ch shall first happen. And whereas my said wife is now w(i)th child of the said child nowe in the wombe of my said wife shalbe borne in life, Then I doe hereby give and bequeath unto the said child to be borne (Be the same a sonne or daughter) the sum(m)e of three hundred pounds lawfull English money to be paid to him or him or her w(i)th the proceede and increase that shalbe made thereof (deductinge such monies as are to be deducted accordinge to this my last Will) when my said last menc(i)oned child shall accomplish the age of one and twentie yeares if the same shalbe a sonne, And if the same shalbe a daughter, Then when she shall attaine unto the age of one and twentie yeares or shalbe married, wh(hi)ch shall first happen, And if my said wife is now w(i)th child of two children, and they both shalbe borne in life, Then I doe hereby give and bequeath unto each of the said children two hundred and fiftie pounds of lawfull English money, The w(hi)ch sum(m)es together w(i)th the proceede and increase that shalbe made thereof (deductinge such monies as are to be deducted according to this my last Will) I
[p.3] will shalbe paid unto them respectively when they shall respectively accomplish the age of one and twentie yeares. Item I doe by this my last Will and Testament will and devise that the before menc(i)oned howse lately by me built w(i)th the app(ur)ten(a)nces and all my estate of Inheritance therein shalbe sould after my decease (as soone as w(i)th conveniency may be) by Richard Meade of Mursley in the said Countie of Bucks gent, and by William Burton of Dunton in the said Countie of Bucks gen(t) or by the Survivo(r) of them, or by the heires of the Survivor of them And that all the monies ariseinge and w(hi)ch shalbe made of the sale thereof together w(i)th the proceede and increase thereof (deductinge such moneys as are to be deducted accordinge to this my last Will) shalbe paid by the said Richard Meade and William Burton or by the survivo(r) of them or by the heires of the Survivor of them unto all of my said Children everie one of them to have an equall share and parte therein w(i)th theother in manner and forme followinge (that is to saie) unto every one of my sonnes when he shall respectively attaine unto the age of One and twentie yeares, and unto every of my daughters when she shall respectively attaine unto the age of one and twentie yeares or be married (w(hi)ch shall first happen or come to passe. Item I doe give and bequeath unto that Minister w(hi)ch shall preach my funerall Sermon Fortie shillings of lawfull money of England. Item I give and bequeath unto the poore people of the parish of Little Harwood aforesaid the sum(m)e of Tenn pounds of lawfull English money to be distributed amongst them accordinge to theire severall necessaries. Item I doe by this my last Will and Testament make constitute and ordaine the said Richard Meade and William Burton the sole Execut(o)rs of this my last Will and Testament To whome I doe hereby bequeath all those Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Tythes, hereditaments and pr(e)misses w(i)th theire and every of theire app(ur)ten(a)nces before [sic] in this my last Will by me severally bequeathed unto my said sonnes John Grainge, Robert Grainge, and Richard Grainge aforesaid, until the said Messuages, Lands Tenements Tythes hereditaments and pr(e)misses shall respectively accrew and come in possession unto them the said John Grainge Robert Grainge and Richard Grainge and \unto/ their heires accordinge to the purport and true meaninge of this my last Will (my said Executo(r)s and their Executo(r)s and administrato(r)s comittinge noe manner of wast and spoile in or upon the said p(re)misses or any part thereof. To thintent and purpose that they my said Executo(r)s and the Survivo(r)s of them and the executor(r)s or administrato(r)s of the Survivor(s) of them out of the rents issues and profitts thereof or some parte thereof togeather w(i)th the p(ro)ceede and increase w(hi)ch shalbe made by the before menc(i)oned sum(m)es of money by me respectively bequeathed unto my said children as aforesaid or w(hi)ch some parte thereof shall educate maintaine and bringe upp all my said children (except such of them w(hi)ch shall dwell w(i)th and be maintained by my said wife as aforesaid for soe longe time only as they shall dwell w(i)th and be maintained by my said wife their Mother, untill they shall respectively have and enioy in possession the Lands Tenements and hereditaments and p(re)misses to them respectively devised as aforesaid, and the port(i)ons and legacies by me hereby devised unto them, shall severally accrew and come to them accordinge to this my last Will. And to thintent and purpose that the residue of all the said rents yf fines, and [profits?] w(hi)ch shall not be imployed for and towards the educat(i)on and maintenance of my said children as aforesaid shalbe paid by my said Executo(r)s or by the Survivo(r)s of them, or by the executor(r)s or administrato(r)s of the Survivo(r)s of them unto all my said children every one of them to have an equall share and parte w(i)th the other in manner and forme followinge (that is to saie) unto every of my said sonnes when he and they shall respectively accomplish the age of one and Twentie yeares \or assoone after their family shalbe raised and unto everie of my said daughters when she and they shall attaine unto ye age of one & twentie yeares/ or be married (w(hi)ch shall first happen) or assoone after they or he shalbe raised. Item I doe thereby give and bequeath unto each of my said Executor(r)s the sum(m)e of Twentie pounds of lawfull English money for their care and paines to be taken in p(er)formance of this my last Will. Item I doe further hereby will and devise That out of all the rest and residue of my goods chattells and personall estate not before by me bequeathed by this my last Will and Testament (my funeralls beinge discharged, and all my debts beinge satisfied and paid there shalbe paid unto my said sonne Richard Grainge the further sum(m)e of Five hundred pounds of lawfull English money when he shall accomplish his age of one and twenty yeares And the residue of my said goods chattells and personall effects not before herein by me bequeathed (my funeralls being discharged and all my debts beinge satisfied w(hi)ch residue[?] then remaininge \if anie such residue shalbe then remaining/ shall accruew and come unto all the rest of my said children everie one of them to have an equall share and parte thereof w(i)th thother and to be paid unto them respectively in manner or and parte thereof with thother and to be paid unto them respectively in manner and forme followinge (that is to saie) unto everie of the rest of my sonns when he and they shall respectively accomplish the Age of one and twentie yeares, And unto every of my said daughters when she and they shall respectively attaine unto the age of one and Twentie yeares or shalbe married w(hi)ch shall first happen, And if any of my said children shall dye and departe this life before his or their Legacie or Legacies or porc(i)ns of money by me thereby bequeathed shall become due and payable accordinge to this my last Will Then my will and mind is and I doe hereby devise that the legacie and legacies and porc(i)ons of money to him her & them soe dyeinge shall accrew and be unto all the rest of
[p.4] my survivinge children, every one of them to have an equall share and parte thereof, and to be paid unto my Survivinge sonns respectively when he and they shall respectively attaine unto the age of one and twentie yeares And unto my sur\vi/vinge daughters when she and they shall respectively accomplish the age of one and twentie yeares or shalbe married w(hi)ch shall first happen and come to passe or as soone after as may be. In witnes whereof I the said Robert Grainge have & hereunto put my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written.
[signed] Robert Grainge
Signed, sealed and published in the p(re)sence of John Addams sen(ior), Richard Stenes, John Addams jun(ior), William Smith, John Robinson
[Probate was granted at London on 7 February 1649/50 to Richard Meade and William Burton]
Although he called himself a yeoman, Robert Grainge was clearly a very rich man by local standards. He was the main beneficiary of the will of his father John Grange (proved 1634) although he was the second son. There was a legal dispute in 1661 between Richard Edmonds and the surviving Grainges. The holding called Agnes or Aynes Fee here was Aynells Fee in earlier documents. See the VCH entry, according to which Elizabeth Grainge sued the executors for not fulfilling their trust.