Will of John Myller alias Graunt of Shipton, 1589

Herts RO 7AR134

In the name of God Amen. The xxth daye of August in the xxxjth yeare of
the Reigne of o(ur) sov(er)eigne Lady Queene Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of England
Fraunce and Ireland defender of the Fayth I John Myller al(ia)s Graunt beinge sycke in body
but whole in mynde thankes be to god do make this my last will and Testament in maner and
forme followinge First I bequeathe my Sowle into the handes of Almighty god my maker and
my bodye to be buryed in the Churcheyarde of Wynslo. Item I geve to the mother Churche of St
Albans iiij d. Item I geve to the Churche of Wynslo x s. Item I geve to the poore of Wynslo
xx s. Item I geve to Maryan my wyfe yearely out of my landes so longe as she lyveth
xl s yearely and her Chamber in the said howse, and all thinges therin belonginge, and her meat
and drinke to be founde by my sonne Thomas so longe as she lyveth. And I geve unto her iiij
kyen. Item I geve unto Thomas Illynge the sonne of John Illynge the Som(m)e of xx li to be delivered
unto him by my sonne Thomas when he cometh to the age of xxj yeares. And if it fortune that the
said Thomas Illinge do dye before he cometh to the age of xxj yeares, Then I will that my
said sonne Thomas shall equally distribute it amongest his owne Children. Item I geve unto
my Sister Chapmans iiij Children, (one sonne and thre daughters) xx s a pece if they be livinge.
Item I geve unto my sonnes two sonnes John and Thomas eche of them a bullock, that is to saye
a Browne and a red. And to Will(ia)m and Walter eche of them a bullocke, and to Christian my
servante a bullocke. Item I make my sonne Thomas my full and whole Executor. And I make my
Overseers of this my last will John Illynge my sonne in lawe, and Will(ia)m Glenister, and I
geve them for their paynes vj s viij d a pece. In witnes of this my last will I sette my hande the
daye and yeare above written. John Myllers marke witnes herof Rob(er)t Dau(n)ce cl(e)r(icus) and Henry
Belson w(i)th others.

[Probate of the will of John Myller alias Graunte of Shipton granted to Thomas Myller alias Graunte on 15 Oct 1589.]

Inventory of John Graunte alias Myller of Shipton, yeoman, 1589

Herts RO A25/1272

The Inventarye of all & singuler the goods Catells debts & redye money of John Graunte alias Myller late of Shipton within the parishe of wynslowe in the Countye of Buck yoman decessed, praysed the xxiijth daye of September in the xxxjth yere of the reigne of our Sovereigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god, of England Fraunce & Ireland Quene Defendor of the fayth etc. by William Glenester Roberte Elyott John Illinge & Thomas Graunte alias Myller the yonger:  videlicet

In the Chamber  
In primis Tenne payres of Sheets liij s iiij d
Item  A Fetherbedd  three bolsters  two pillowes two Coverings A bedstedd and the paynted clothes abowte the bedd     xxxiiij s
Item three payres of blanketts  A mattres, And one other bedsted with the paynted clothes abowte the bed laste aforesaid            xj s
Item  fower Coffers praysed at    vj s viij d
Item  his apparell             l s
Item  two Cubbards  one Table with fowrmes Stooles & A penne       xiij s
Item  two potts & all the brasse beside them xxxvj s
Item  pewter & Candelstycks         xj s
Item  Cowperye ware & a saltynge Trowgh preysed at                   x s
Item  a Spytt,  A paire of Cobb Irons, a dryppinge panne, the pothangers with certen paynted Clothes & Cusshens                    v s
Summa      xj li x s
Item  a Querne and a yotinge * fatt    xiij s iiij d
Item  wood & Tymber prysed at     xl s
Item  Wheate & Rye praysed at                xx li
Item  Barley & Malte xij li
Item  Beanes praysed at  xij li
Item Haye prysed at                         vj li xiij s iiij d
Item five geldings & mares ix li
Item fower Carte & Carte geare  Two plowghes & the plowgh geare and two payres of harrowes    iiij li
Item certen hogges v li
Item beast Cattell praysed at         xviij li
Item Sheepe prysed at            x li
Item Redye money x li


Cix li vj s viij d
Summa totalis Inventarij Cxx li xvj s viij d

Signum X Thomas Myller alias Graunte Executoris

[Latin] Exhibitum fuit huiusmodi Inventarium per Thomam Myller alias Graunte Executorem xvth die mensis Octobris Anno Domini 1589 pro vero pleno et integro  &c sub protestacione de addendo si. &c.

[signed]               Thomas Rokitt


yoteing: soaking (OED, s.v. yote)

John Graunt alias Myller was buried at Winslow on 14 Sep 1589. His widow Marian was buried on 12 Apr 1603.

Some land which John had acquired led to a case in Chancery against his grandsons in 1613.

John Illing the son-in-law married Alice Miller at Little Horwood on 31 Oct 1580; she must have died before October 1584 when he remarried. They had a daughter Catherine (later Cooper) as well as the son Thomas mentioned in the will.

Click on the picture for an image of the document:

The inventory:

Inventory of John Graunte

Copyright 13 February, 2020