Will of Thomas Graunte of Wynslowe, 1531
Herts RO 2AR215
In dei nomine amen The yere of our lord god mdxxxj I Thomas Graunt beyng of hole memorye & mynde thankid be god make & ordeyn this my last wyll in man(er) & forme folowyng. First I bequethe my soule to almyghty god to o(ur) blessid lady & to all the holy company of hevyn & my body to be buryed in the churchyard of saint Laurence of Wynslow betwixt the porche & the box tree. Also I bequethe to the mother church of saint Albans xij d. It(e)m to the high auter of the church of saint Laurens of Wynslow aforesaid a boshell of malt. It(e)m to ev(er)y auter in the same church a boshell of malt. It(e)m to the torchys ij boshells of malt. It(e)m to the sepulcur’ lyght ij boshell malt. It(e)m to the roode lyght ij b(ushels) malt. It(e)m to the bells ij b(ushels) malt. Also I gyve & bequethe to Seyth my son my best long Cart my best downg Cart & three of the best horsys w(i)t(h) their harnes. Also the same Seythe ij steres & ij heyfors. Also to the same Seyth the grete table & the almery in the hall. And to my mother xl s & her own cowe. Also to John my son iiij li v s. The residue of all my goods legacyes payde I wyll to Jone my wyff & John my son whom I make myn Executors to have & dispose for my soule & all cristen soules as they thynke best. And as towchyng all my howse & land I wyll Jone my wyffe to have it tyll my yongist son Seythe be of xxiiij yere of age and then if he lyve to have it for his own & she no lenger to medyll nor <make?> in no part of it w(i)t(h)out the good wyll of hym. And if the said Seythe fortune to dye within the age before namyd that then I wyll that John my son shall entre in all the howsys & land at the same yere that Seythe shuld if he had lyvyd. In witnes of this my last wyll S(i)r Ric(hard) Stratton prest my goostly father John Palm(er) Rob(er)t Graunt & John Boston w(i)t(h) dyv(er)se other.
[Probate to John Graunt 19 April 1531]
almery = aumbry, i.e. a cupboard