Will of Walter Graunte alias Myller, 1548/9

Herts RO 3AR85-86

In the name of god Amen ye xiiijth daye of Januarii in the yere of o(ur) Lorde god mli ccccc xlviijo I Walter Graunte otherwise called Myller yeoman of Shypton of the paryshe of Sainte Lawrance in Wynslowe beynge sycke in my bodye & hole in my soule I thancke Jesu Dothe ordeyne & make my last wyll and Testament in maner and forme followynge Firste I Bequethe my Soule to Allmyhti god to o(ur) lady sainte Mary And to all ye holy Company in heaven And my bodye to be Buried in ye Church yarde of Sainte Lawrance in Wy(n)slowe aforesaid Item I bequethe to ye highe aucter for my Tithe necligently forgoton one bushel of malte. Item I bequethe to Alice my wyffe iiij kyne and xxti shepe & she to take one & John another until xxti be drawen. Item I Bequethe to Jane x shepe and my wyffe to have ye woolle of all ye shepe Item I bequethe to ye said Alice my wyffe halfe my hoggs w(i)th half my pollane & a grey mare. Item I bequethe to ye said Alice my wyffe xxvjti s viij d yerely & that xxvj s viij d to be payde ev(er)y q(ua)rt(er) vj s viij d ye Fyrste payment to be payed at ye Nativite of o(ur) lorde nexte followynge ye date hereof Item I geve to my dawters chyldrene xl s wherof xxti s to be payde at sainte Lorans tyde nexte coming and the other xx s to be paid at ye next sante Lawrans tyde followynge. that my Debts payde my legacys performed & my bodye to be honestlye brought to ye yerthe the residwe of my goodes I geve them holy to John my sonne whome I make my sole Executor Theis Beynge wytnes John Bostone of Wynslowe Thomas Tomlyn of Schyptone John Grene & Thomas Jaye w(i)th other more

[Probate granted 2 June 1548 to John Graunte, executor.]

Inventory of Walter Graunte alias Myller, 1548/9

Herts RO A25/67

Thys ys the Inventary off Walt(er) Graunte other wysse callyde Myllare of Scheyptone in ye p(ar)yshe of Wynslowe mayde ye xij
day of marche in ye yeyre of oure loorde mlimo cccccmo xlviij & in ye seconde yeyre off o(u)r sov(er)aine lorde kynge Edwarde ye vjth & p(ra)yssyd by iiij Indeferent  men (tha)t ys to say Thomas Elyotte Wyll(ia)m Sewyster Rob(er)t Snowe & Thom(a)s Tomlyne

In primis in h(i)s perss {perss} att ye owre of h(i)s dethe
xx s
It(e)m h(i)s rayme(n)tt (tha)t ys to say his kotte & a dowblytt & ij payre off hoose
viij s
It(em) in ye chameber j mattres & iiij payre scheytts j bolster & ij pellows ij blankkytts & ij kov(er)lyds
xv s iiij d
It(em) ij koffers
ij s
It(em) in ye halle ij boorde of cloths & ij towylls & a paynittyde clothe
iij s iiij d
It(em) ij brasse pans & ij pootts off brasse & ij kettylls
xiii s iiij d
It(em) in pewtt(er) & lattyne
xx s
It(em) tables forms & stowels & tress(els) & j spytte & j gyrdyrrone etc & ij kobyrrons
iij s iiij d
It(em) cowpperwayre
x s
It(em) in corne alle man(er) off g(ra)yne xx quart(ers)[?]
iij li vj s viij d
It(em) j kowppwlle off oxone & j kowppwlle of steyrs
iij li vj s viij d
It(em) v kyne & ij callffs
iij li xiij s viij d
It(em) in scheype
vii li
It(em) hoogs & shootts
x s
It(em) fere woode
iij s iiij d
It(em) ij geysse & a gander & j koke & vj hens
xx d
xxv li xiij s viij d


pollane = pullen: poultry


Copyright 26 July, 2012