Will of John Grene of Wynslow, 1504/5
Herts RO 2AR122
In the name of god amen The xxjth day of Januarye the yere of o(ur) lord a thousand fyve hundred & iiij I John Grene hole of mynde make my testament in this wyse First I bequethe my soule unto almyghty god & to o(ur) blessed lady saint Marye & to all the holy company of hevyn and my body to be buried in the chirch or chirchyard of saint Laurence in Wynslow. It(e)m I bequethe to the monasterye of saint Albon iiij d. Also I bequethe to the high awt(er) for tithes & offeryngs that be forgoten xij d. Also I bequethe to the rode lofte for the reparacions that be moost nedefull xij d. Also I bequethe to the torches viij d. Also I bequethe to the bells xij d. Also I bequeth to my son Will(ia)m a coupull of bulloks. Also I bequethe to my son Thomas a yong Cow. The residue of my goods I bequethe & geve to Alice my wyf whom I make myn Executrice she to doo & dispose for my soule. Also I make John Wrytt ov(er)sear to the same that this my wyll be p(er)formyd. Witnes hereto Richard Welows Robert Seybroke Will(ia)m Grene w(i)t(h) other mo(re).
[Probate granted to the executrix 13 Feb 1504/5]