Will of Richard Gurney, gardener, 1634/5
Herts RO 77AW11
The fourth day of Februarie anno d(omi)ni 1634
In the name of god Amen. I Richard Gurney of Winslow in the County of Bucks Gardener being sicke in body but in good and perfect memorie god be praysed do make this my last will and testament in maner and forme following: First I bequeath my soule unto Allmightie god, who created me, and redeemed me by his sone Jesus Christ, by whose merites onely I trust to be saved. And my body to be decently buried in the Churchyard of Winslow. And as touching my small portion of worldly goods which god hath leant me, my debts and duties being discharged, I give and bequeath it wholely to Elizabeth my wife whom I make and ordaine my sole Executrix. Iin witness thereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written.
Richard Gurney
his marke
Witnesses hereunto
Robt. Maynwaring
Will(ia)m Glenister
Thomas Stevens
[Latin] Proved by me Robert Maynwaring 10 April 1635
[Probate to Elizabeth Gurney widow and executrix]
Inventory of Richard Gurney, 1634/5
Herts RO A25/3223
A true and p(er)fect Inventorie of the goods & chattells of Richard Gurney late of Winslow in the County of Bucks, made the xxvth day of Februarie, 1634 by us whose names are underwritten.
Inp(ri)mis in the hall a table & frame, one little chaire, a fourme,
and three stooles |
vj s |
Ite(m) three tubbs, two bucketts, and a kyver |
v s |
Ite(m) one yron pott, two small kettles, two pewter platters,
three sawcers, and six spoones |
viij s |
Item one pothanger, a pair of pothooks, a spitt and a fire shovell |
iij s |
Ite(m) in the chamber, one standing bedsteed, a flockbed,
a straw-bed, a bolster, two pillowes, a coverlet, and two blanketts |
xxx s |
Ite(m) one cupboard, four coffers, and four firkins, and a box |
xxiij s |
Ite(m) three paire of sheets, one table cloth, and three napkins |
x s |
Ite(m) two olde trucle-bedds, a few boards w(i)th other
lumber in the loft |
x s |
Ite(m) his garden tooles, two long boards and some wood |
xij s |
Item his own wearing apparell |
xx s |
[Presented by William Heyward, 13 April 1635]
Richard Gurney was buried at Winslow on 22 Feb 1634/5. He married Elizabeth Stutsberie on 27 July 1629. She later married Richard Evans (see 1639 court). He is the first person recorded at Winslow as a gardener. He probably worked for Robert Maynwaring and/or Peter Fige.
The names of the appraisers were not "underwritten", but the handwriting is Robert Maynwaring's.