Inventory of Margaret Gyles, 1625/6
Herts RO A25/2831
The true and p(er)fitt inventary of all & singuler the Goods debts and Chattells of Margarett Gyles widdowe Late of Wynslowe in the County of Bucks deceased made & praysed the first of march 1625 by Rob(er)t Maynwaring Peter Fyge William Edmunds and Nicholas Brinsall
£ |
s |
d |
In primis in the great Chamber a great Table and Frame |
xx |
It(e)m A Courte Cupborde |
iij |
iiij |
It(e)m five Joyned stooles |
v |
It(e)m A great Cheste |
x |
It(e)m A Joyned Chaire |
xij |
It(e)m in the little Chamber a Table & frame |
iij |
iiij |
It(e)m A Joyned Bedsteed |
x |
It(e)m three Chestes |
vj |
It(e)m two stooles and a Chaire |
ij |
vj |
It(e)m A featherbedd & flockbedd |
xxx |
It(e)m three pillows & three pillowbeeres |
x |
It(e)m two bolsters |
vj |
viij |
It(e)m two Cov(er)litts and three blanquetts |
xx |
It(e)m sixe paire of sheets and an od one |
xl |
It(e)m xij peeces of pewter and two pewter Candlestickes |
xiij |
It(e)m two Board Cloths & a doze(n) of napkins |
xvj |
It(e)m two Childebed sheetes |
xx |
It(e)m in the Cock Loft & little Buttery A bedsteed |
iij |
iiij |
It(e)m three Brasse potts two possnettes and fower kettles |
xlv |
It(e)m halfe a doze(n) of old pewter |
v |
It(e)m in the Seller a Cupbord |
x |
It(e)m A paire of andyrons & two spitts |
iij |
iiij |
It(e)m two Tables and a barrell |
iij |
iiij |
It(e)m her wearinge Clothes three gownes and two peticoates |
v |
It(e)m A gould Ringe |
x |
It(e)m A silver spoone |
viij |
It(e)m in Reddy money |
iiij |
xix |
It(e)m debts by bond Mr Edmunds |
v |
It(e)m by William Spooner |
xij |
It(e)m by William Tomlyn |
xliiij |
It(e)m by Thomas Nicholls |
xx |
It(e)m owinge to the said deceased by Will(ia)m Gyles her sonne |
iij |
Sum(m)a To(ta)lis |
xlviij |
viij |
vj |
[Presented by William Gyles administrator 2 Mar 1625/6]
Obligation of William Gyles, 1625/6
Herts RO 67AW58
[translated from Latin] May everyone know by the present (documents) that we, William Gyles of Winslowe in the county of Bucks gentleman[?], natural son of Margaret Gyles deceased, lately while she lived of the aforesaid county, and Henry Mountegew[?] of the town of St Albans Inhoulder are held and firmly bounds to the Venerable Thomas Rayment, professor of theology, archdeacon of St Albans in the diocese of London, for a hundred pounds of legal money of England to be paid to the same archdeacon or his certain attorneys, executors, administrators or assigns. To make which payment well and faithfully we oblige ourselves and each of us for himself and fully our heirs, executors and administrators, by the present (documents). Sealed with our seals [2 March 1625/6]
The Con(di)c(i)on of this Obligat(i)on is such That whereas the above bound Will(ia)m Gyles Adminstrator of all & singuler the goods debts Rites and Chatells of Margaret Gyles above named widow, his executors Administrators or Assigns or any of the(m) do well and truly Administer the same goods debts and Chattells that is to saye doe paye or cause to be payed the Lawfull Debts w(hi)ch the said deceased did owe unto any maner of p(er)sons at the tyme of her life and death as far forth as the said debts goods & Chattells thereunto will extend & as the Lawe may Charge them, And also doe exhibite or Cause to be exhibited in the Courte or Registry of the above named Archd(ea)con A true and p(er)fitt Inventary of all and singuler the same goods debts & Chattells, And further doe make or Cause to be made a Iust true and faythfull Accompt of and upon their Administrac(i)on in the p(re)mises at such tyme and wheras they shalbe thereunto Lawfully Required, And such p(ar)te and porc(i)on of the said goods debts & Chattells as shalbe found to be and Remayne in theire or any of theire hands upon their Accompt soe made and allowed do yelde and pay ou(t) or cause to be yelded & paid ov(er) unto such other p(er)son or p(er)sons as unto the said Archdecon or his successors or his or theire Officers in that behalfe shall seeme meete and Convenient, That then this (pre)sent obligac(i)on to be voyde & of none effecte or els(e) to stand and abide in full power strength effort and Vertu.
[signed] Will(ia)m Gyels
[mark] Henry Montague
[Latin] Sealed and delivered to the use of the said lord archdeacon in my presence
[signed] Peter [...]ther
Margaret Gyles, widow, was buried on 30 Nov 1625. She seems to have been the widow of William Gyles, buried 5 Sep 1615. See Gyles Family page. Their son William was baptised 14 Nov 1586. He married Alice Brodhurst (nee Jackson?) on 25 Sep 1611, and she was buried on 29 April 1623. There are no baptisms recorded for any children of their marriage, which could be the first evidence for the Gyles family becoming the leading Baptists in Winslow.