Will of Robert Hawkins of Little Horwood, husbandman, 1657
National Archives PROB 11/269/277
In the name of God Amen I Robert Hawkins of Litle Harwood in the County of Bucks Husbandman being weake in Body but of perfect memory Thanks be to God doe Constitute Ordaine and make this my Last Will and Testament in Writeing in manner & forme following: Imprimis I bequeath my Soule into the Hands of Almightie God my Creator Trusting in Jesus Christ my blessed Redeemer to have full pardon and Remission of all my sinnes And my Bodie to be buried in the Church or Churchyard at ye discrec(i)on of my Executrix hereafter named. And for all the wordlie goods which it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I doe give devise and bequeath the same in such sort as hereafter is expressed Item I doe give and bequeath unto my welbeloved sonne John Hawkins One hundred and Fiftie pounds of good and lawfull English monie. To be payd unto him by my Executrix hereafter named within Six moneths next after my decease. All the rest of my Goods and Chattles whatsoever unbequeathed my Debts being payed my Legacies performed and my Funerall Expences discharged I doe give devise and bequeath \the same/ unto my welbeloved wife Katherine Hawkins whom I doe Constitute Ordaine and make the full and sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament In Witnes whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Nine and Twentieth day of March in the yeare of Our Lord One Thousand Six hundred Fiftie and Seaven. The m(ar)ke of Robert Hawkins Sealed & published and delive(re)d in the presence of John Harris cler. John Adams [signature] the m(ar)ke of Hugh Seaton
This Will was proved in London The Fowreteenth day of November in the yeare One thowsand Six hundred Fiftie seaven Before the Judges for probate of wills and graunting Administrac(i)ons Lawfully Authorized By the oath of Katherine Hawkins ye Relict and sole Executrix named therein: to whom was graunted Administrac(i)on of all and singular the goods chattles and Debts of the said deceased She being by Commission first sworne truly to Administer
Robert's death was recorded at the 1657 manor court. At the same time as he made his will, he surrendered his messuage and half-virgate of land to Katherine, but at the manor court she transferred them to John.