Will of John Hobs, 1555/6
Herts RO 305 AW8
In ye name of god amen in ye yere off our lorde god m ccccc lv ye xiiij day off January I John Hobs sycke in body and whole in mynde do make thys my testament and last wyll in manner and forme foloyng fyrst I bequeth my sowle to almyghty god and my body to be buryed in ye church yarde off wynslow Item to ye mother churche off saynt albons ijd Item I bequeth to ye reparatyon off the churche off saynt lawrence off wynslow xijd Item I wyll that Thomas my sonne shalle are* sow and harrow my wyves lond she fyndyng sede as he doth hys owen and bryng yt in to her barne and carry her wode and fursen duryng thys twelfemoneth she fyndyng hym meat drynke and hors mete such as she hath when he doth her busyness Item I gyve to Anable my wyffe all my goods with in ye lordshyp off wynslow except one bullocke one coverlett and ij platters the which bollocke coverlett and platters I gyve to margery my dowghter Item I wyll that Thomas my sonne shal gyve to John my sonne x l to be payd with in syx yere next foloyng Item I wyll that Thomas my sonne shall gyve to Robert my sonne ij bosshels whete and ij bosshels malt Item to Kateryn my dowghter my best cofer and ye worst brasse potte Item I wyll that Anable my wyffe shall dystrybute ij bosshells off whete among ye pov(er)tye off Wynslow Item I wyll that Thomas my sonne shall dystrybute ij bosshells off whete amonge the pov(er)tye off Swanburn the Resydu off my goods not bequethyd my detts payd my wyll fulfyllyd and my body browght on erth I gyve and bequeth to Thomas my sonne whom I make my sole executor these beryng wytnes Thomas Deverell Robert Webbe Rafe Kynge Wylliam Parrat with other more
Inventory of John Hobs, 1555/6
Herts RO A25/182
The Invytery off John Hobs off Wynslow lately decessyd made ye xiij day off february in ye yere off our lorde m ccccc lv praysed by Rafe Kyng John Adams Robert Webbe and Wylliam Parrat
In primis hys parte off these implements foloyng that ys to say the one halfe off a amebre* iiij platters a pan iij potts ij kettells ij candelstyck ij olde cofers ij payre off shetys a table a forme with ye other smalle implements pryce | x s |
Item ij marys pryce | x s |
Item ij beeste pryce | xxxiij s iiij d |
Item ij shepe pryce | iij s iiij d |
Item hys parte off ye carte off ye plow and off the wode in ye yarde pryce | xij s |
Item hys parte off ye croppe in ye felde and in the barne pryce | xviij s |
Item in Rayment | xij s |
Are: Variant of ear(e), to plough (OED).
Amebre: probably aumbry, i.e. a cupboard
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