Will of John Hoggeson, 1535 (proved 1536)

Herts RO 2AR236

In the name of god Amen the xixth day of October the Yere of o(ur) lord god MDxxxv I Joh[n] Hoggeson of the p(ar)ish of Wynslow sike in body and of good mynde make my last Wy[ll] in this man(ner) First I bequethe my soule to almyghty god and my body to be buryed in [the] churchyard of saint Laurence of Wynslow I bequethe to s(ir) Pet(er) Irland v s to say a trentall I bequethe to the high ault(er) iiij d and to the bells iiij d Also I gyff and beque[the] to Maryon my wyff all my land and tenement duryng her lyff I bequethe to m[y] buryall vj s viij d Also I make Marion my wyff myn executrice and Rob(er)t Bra[...] and Thomas Dave myn ov(er)seers that this my wyll be fulfilled & p(er)formed Also [I] bequeath my brother John [sic] Hoggeson my land after the death of my wyff Also I [have?] gyffen surrender to Thomas Dave to my wyffs behove These being wyttnes S(ir) P[eter] Irland my Curatt Thomas Dave & Jone Richardson

[Probate 27 April 1536 to the executrix]



Copyright 6 October, 2012