Will of Margaret Holyman, 1643 (proved 1650)

National Archives, Prob/11/213 f.22

In the name of God Amen I Margarett Holyman of Winslow in the countie of Buckingham widdowe doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following. First I bequeath my soul unto Allmightie God my maker and creator and to Jesus Christ my onelie Saviour and redeemer by whose meritts onelie I hope to be saved, and my body to the earth being sicke in bodie, but in perfect memorie thanks I give unto Allmightie God. My wordlie goods I bequeath as followeth. Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Simon Holiman All the reverc(i)on of one lease dated the fowreteenth daie of September in the sixteenth year of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles which nowe is King of England Scotland Fraunce and Ireland. Item I give unto my sonne Richard Holiman the sum of twelve pence. Item I doe give unto my sonne Thomas Holiman all that debt due unto me by one Francis Grace of Morsley in the countie of Buckingham yeoman as by one obligac(i)on it doth plainelie appeare. Also I give unto said son Thomas twelve pence  All other my goods Cattells and chattells moveable and unmoveable quick and dead of what kind and sorte soever they bee I give and bequeath unto my two daughters Margarett and Sarah to be equally devided betwixt them, whome I do make my sole and full executrices of this my last will and testament. And my welbeloved brother Simon West to be overseer to see this my last will performed  In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this second daie of November in the year of the raigne of our sovereign Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland Fraunce, and Ireland King defender of the faith & c. The nineteenth Anno domini 1643 Witness hereunto Nicholas Brinsall  Thomas Tomlyn.

[Probate at London 12th July 1650 to Margaret and Sarah Holiman daughters and executrices.]

[l. margin] Per sen(tent)iam al(ia)s lat’ 23 Junii 1647


Margaret Holliman, widow, was buried at Winslow on 3 Nov 1643. Between 1643 and 1646 PCC wills were proved at Oxford, where Charles I had his headquarters during the Civil War, and they were proved again at London after the end of the war. The surname does not seem to occur otherwise in the Winslow parish registers.



Copyright 24 March, 2013