Will of Edward Holland of Granborough, 1534 (proved 1535)
Herts RO 2AR232
In the name of god Amen the yere of o(u)r lord god mcccccxxxiiij the second day of Septembre I Edward Holand of hole memory thankyd be god make my last wyll in this manner & fo(r)me folowyng First I bequethe my soule to almyghty god to o(u)r blessed lady & to all the holy co(m)pany of hevyn and my body tobe buryed in the churchyard of Grenborough. It(e)m I bequethe to the shryne of Saint Albon xij d It(e)m to the high aut(e)r xx d. Itm for tythes forgot(t)en iij s iiij d. Itm to the roode lyght iij s iiij d. Itm to the bells ij s. Itm to the torches ij s. Itm to o(u)r lady aut(e)r xij d. Itm to ev(er)y lyght in the church iiij d. Itm to ev(er)y oon of my god chyldren oon ewe shepe. Itm to seven churches that is to say Grenborough, Wynslow, M(ar)ston, Hoggeston, Swanburn, Donton, & Est Claydon to ev(er)y of them vj s viij d. The Residue of all my goods not bequethid my detts payde I gyve & bequethe to Ame my wyff & John Holond my brother whom I make myn executors to dispose them as they shall thynke best for the welth of my soule & all christen soules and Will(ia)m Snoxhyll tobe sup(er)visor of this my last wyll having for his paynes fourty shelyngs These be wytness Richard Thorp John Holand Henry Stephans Anne Holand Richard Stratton priest
Richard Stratton was vicar of Winslow but was actually living at Aspley Guise by this date.