Will of John Holloway, labourer, 1652/3 (proved 1662)

Centre for Bucks Studies

In the Name of God Amen

I John Hollowaye of Winslowe in the Countie of Buck Labourer, beinge sick in bodye but in p(er)fect memorie thankes I give unto almightie god, doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followeing.

First I bequeathe my soule unto almightie god my maker and Creatoure and to Jesus Christ my savioure and Redeemer by whose merritt onelye I hope to be saved, and my bodye to the [earth?] Concerninge my worldlye estate as followethe

Imprimis I give and bequeathe unto my daughter Martha Hollowaye my greate Kettlle nowe in the [occupacion?] of Walter Kerbie of Winslowe, Alsoe one washbole and one warmingpan nowe in the occupac(i)on of Fraunces Fell wyddowe Alsoe one brasse pott, and one smalle skillett nowe in the occupac(i)on of Peter Fyge the yonger gent.

Also three Coffers, one fetherbed, one fether pillowe, one Coverlett, one blankett, two payre of sheetts, fowre Curtaines, one Tubb, one ioyned bedsted, two Cheeres, one Litlle Iron pott, five platters, and one mattock nowe in myne owne occupac(i)on in my lodgeinge Roome where late I was possessed of att the house of the aforesayd Mr Peter Fyge

It(em) I give likewise unto my sayd daughter Martha Hollowaye after my decease, all my bondes Bills goodes Cattells and Chattells due and belonginge unto me in whose handes & custodie soever they bee whome I doe make and ordaine my full and sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament,  Provided that yf my sayd daughter Martha Hollowewaye shall decease before she doe come unto the age of Eighteene yeeres that then I doe give unto my brother Henrie Hollowaye my brother Thomas Hollowaye and my sister Margerie Lamprey, all suche soche sev(er)all some and somes of money as in my sayd Bills and bondes itt dothe and maye playnelye appeare to be equallye devided betweene my sayd two brothers and sister And yf my sayd daughter doe decease before the sayd terme aforesayd, that then I doe give and bequeathe all my sayd Impllements of householde unto my sayd brother Henrie Hollowaye and to his heires, And I doe make my overseers to see this my last will and testament p(er)formed Nicho(las) Brinsall Henrie Wiatt and Henrie Pym the yonger.  In winnesse whereof I have heereunto putt my hand seale dated the First daye of Januarie in the yeere of o(ur) Lord god One thowsand six hundred Fiftie two

John Holloway H  his marke

Wittnesse heereunto
Nicho(las) Brinsall
Henry Wiatt
Henry Pim

[Probate 21 May 1662 before the Venerable Richard Claver, official of the Archdeacon of Buckingham, to Martha Holloway, daughter and executrix]

[Latin note] 21 May 1662. The deceased died January 1661 & lived & died at Gowcott in the parish of Buckingham, sworn by Martha Holloway executrix.


John Holloway had moved away from Winslow by the time his will was proved, which is why it wasn't proved at St Albans as Winslow wills normally were. He married Frances Bull at Winslow on 25 April 1642. Martha their daughter was baptised on 6 Aug 1643, and Frances was buried on 13 Aug. He must have remarried, as a daughter Elizabeth was baptised in 1647, and Elizabeth his wife was buried soon afterwards.

Copyright 6 December, 2016