Will of John Illing of Little Horwood, yeoman, 1609
National Archives PROB 11/114/332
In the name of god amen. The eleventh day of the yeare of our Lord god A thousand six hundred and nine. I John Illing of litle Harwood in the Countie of Buckingham yoman sicke in body but whole in mynde and of good and perfect remembrance (thanks be to God and not willing to dye intestate, doe constitute ordayne and make this my Testatment wherein is conteyned my last will in manner and forme following. First I give and bequeath my soule to Allmightie God my maker and redeemer and in whom I trust to be saved. And my body to be buryed in the Churchyard of litle Harwood aforesayd. And as concerning my landes and goodes I will they be disposed of as followeth First it is my will that William my second sonne shall pay unto John my third sonne the somme of Twentie poundes of good and lawfull English money within two yeares after the death of Elizabeth my Wief Mother to the sayd William. And furthermore it is my Will that \Elizabeth my wife shall pay unto the sayd John my sonne twentie poundes more/ so soone as the sayd John shall accomplish the full age of Twentie and One yeares. I give to Catherine Cooper, my Daughter One charger. Item it is my will that the sayd Elizabeth my wief shall pay unto Allice Illing my Daughter the somme of fortie poundes at the day of her mariage or within halfe a yeare after Item it is my will that my wief shall pay unto my three youngest sonnes Edward Arthur and Peter to ech of them Thirtie poundes a peece as they shall accomplish the age of Twentie and one years. And further it is my will that if ether of the sayd John Alice Edward Arthur and Peter doo channce to dye before they doe come to receive their portions That then their portions shalbe equally devided amongst the survivors. Item I give and bequeathe unto my oldest Sonne Thomas Illing one Table and frame which standeth in the hall. Item I give and bequeath unto my parish church of litle Harwood three shillings fower pence. And to every one of my godchildren Twelve pence a peece Item I give to the poore of the parish of litle Harwood fower shillings. And as for the Residue of all my goodes moveables and unmoveables I give and bequeathe unto Elizabeth Illing my wief whom I doe constitute and make full and whole Executrix of this my last will and Testament. Item it is my will that Elizabeth my wief shall have this house with all the lande closes meadowes commons with all other commodities thereunto belonging from three yeares to three yeares until the end of Nyne yeares be fully complete and ended, yeelding and payeing unto Thomas Illing my sonne the somme of three pounds yearely during the said Nyne yeares. And also it is my will that my sayd wief shall fell cut downe and carry away \or cause to be felled cutt down and carried away/ Twentie of the best trees growing upon one peece of ground called the pasture close belonging to the house wherein I doe now dwell. In witnes whereof I the sayd John Illing have hereunto sett my hand the day and yeare above written. I doe constitute supervisors of this my last will and testament Richard Cooper of little Harwood and Edward Coleman of Twyford yeomen And do give to either of them Five shillings Signum Johannis Illinges In the presence of Thomas Williamson signum Richardi Cooper signum Thome Curtis signum Georg’ Illing signum Thome Adams signum Johannis Adams signum Thome Illing
[Probate at London before Dr William Byrd, master, keeper or commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 19 Sep 1609, on the oath of Elizabeth Illing, widow and executrix]
John was apparently the father of Thomas Illing (will proved 1657).