Will of Benjamin Ingram of East Claydon, dairyman, 1785 (proved 1794)
Centre for Bucks Studies, D/A/Wf/107/12
Extracts only
All my Freehold and Copyhold messuages Lands Tenements in the parish of Winslow, charged with an annuity of £10, unto my brother John Ingram for his life. After his decease, unto my Nephew Benjamin Ingram, son of John.
Unto my wife Ann Ingram for her life an annuity of £10 by equal half yearly payments.
Unto my brother Richard Ingram £50.
Unto my sister Sarah Eagles and my three Nephews John, William and Ezra Eagles £10 each.
My household goods, stock of cattle, Implements of Husbandry and in the Dairy Business, etc. unto my wife Ann Ingram.
I constitute my wife sole Executrix.
7 November 1785. [signed] Benj Ingram
[witnesses] Hector Patten Burnham
John Rose
James Burnham
Probate from the Archdeacon of Buckingham, 22 March 1794.
Benjamin Ingram was the eldest son of Benjamin Ingram of Winslow (d.1778), q.v. for more about the family, and inherited his considerable property. He was baptised 7 Feb 1724/5 and married Ann Parrot of East Claydon, widow, at Winslow in 1766. That was probably when he established himself as a dairyman at East Claydon. They evidently had no children. Ann was buried at East Claydon in 1815 aged 85.
As Winslow wasn't within the jurisdiction of the Archdeacon of Buckingham, the will shouldn't have been proved at his court, but it apparently went unchallenged.