Inventory of William Jackson, 1586

Herts RO A25/1154

The true and p(er)fitt Inventary of all and singuler the goods debts and Cattels of William Jackson late while he lived of the p(ar)ishe of Winslo Inholder deceased made and praised by Robert Nicholl Henry Wallys and Thomas Cowper the seaven and twentyth daie of September Anno D(omi)ni 1586 viz

In the hall
In p(r)imis A Table with a frame & a fourme
ij s vj d
In the Parlor
It(e)m a Table with a frame and a fourme
ij s vj d
It(e)m A Cupbord
xiij s iiij d
In the Lofte ov(er) the Parlor
Item a little Table with a frame and a fourme
ij s
Item a bedstedd
ij s vj d
Item a bedsted in the lofte ov(er) ye hall
iij s
Item certeyne brickes
iij s iiij d
Item in the kytchyn an old pa(n)ne
iij s iiij d
Item certeyne woodd lyeinge under the Churche wall
iiij s
Item in the Parlor in the howse called the Bell a Coverlet
x s
Item a stoole
vj d
Item in the hall three stooles
xviij d
In the litle Parlor
Item a featherbed two bolsters one pillowe and sixe Cushyns
xviij s iiij d
Item one little fourme and a stoole
viij d
Item two blancketts a pillowe a Coveringe one Joyned bedsted and a Cofer
xvj s
Item two Cofers and a litle fosser
iiij s
Item a mattresse a cov(er)let two pillowes and an old Cupbord clothe
iiij s iiij d
Item fower table clothes
vj s viiij d
Item fower Rowlers
ij s vj d
Item two dozen of Napkyns
iij s iiij d
Item sixe paire of sheets
xx s
Item three Table clothes
iiij s
Item two old Carpettes
ij s vj d
Item two paire of Sheetes
viij s
Item an other paire of Shetes
ij s vj d
Item a pillowe a bolster seaven pillowbeers fower Cushyns a chaire and a paire of plaieinge tables
x s
Item a Cov(er)let
xiij s iiij d
In the Servan(t) hes Chamb(er)
Item a mattresse a cov(er)let and a paire of sheets
ij s vj d
Item a Tru(n)dell bedsted
ij s vj d
Item Twentie pounds of yarne
x s
In the kytchyn
Item two spittes a barre of Iron a paire of rackes two paire of cobirons two paire of pothookes a fier shovell a paire of tonges a paire of bellowes a wicker cradell two pothangers a bread grate and a brushe
vij s
Item two brasse pottes
vj s viij d
Item five kettells a trevet a brasse pan(ne) a fierforke
xxij s
Item a kyver three boles an heire sive and three bourds
iij s
Item three chafers a skyllet a cleaver and a chopping knife
iij s iiij d
Item two barrells a tubb and a paile
ij s vj d
Item in the Seller three tubbes
iij s iiij d
Item in the buttery certeyne pewter
xxvj s viij d
Item an old Cowe
xx s
Item the wood in the yarde
iiij li
Item the haye in the barne
xl s
Item nyne hoggs
liij s iiij d
Item all his Apparell both lynnen and wolleyn
xiij s iiij d
Item an old Saddle and brydle
iij s iiij d
Item a paire of scales the beame and weights
vj s viij d
Item an old paire of bootes
ij s vj d
Sum(m)a bonor(u)m
xxiij li xiij s viij d
Desperate debts oweinge to the said deceased at the time of his life and deathe w(i)thout specialtie
Inprimis by one Rob(er)t Blackstocke
xxx li
Item by Will(i)am Turnor of Wynslo
xx s
Sum(m)a Totalis
liiij li xiij s iiij d

[Latin] Signum Isabelle [mark] Jackson Administratricis

[Presented by Isabel Jackson, administratrix, on 1 Oct 1586]

There follows a very lengthy Latin document concerning a legal dispute about the estate. A summary is given below.

A complaint was raised in the Queen's court held by one of the sheriffs of the City of London on 3 Oct 1586. Isabel Jackson, widow and administratrix of William Jackson of Winslow, linen draper, was summoned against Anthony Jackson of Winslow, yeoman, on a plea of debt. Sureties for proceeding: John Foster, Richard Lane.

On the same day Isabel was arrested and taken to the sheriff's counting-house, where she was bailed to appear at the Queen's court before the sheriff in the Guildhall on 5 Oct.

On 5 Oct, Anthony Jackson appeared with his attorney Thomas Staverton. He claimed £140 from Isabel. William was indebted to Anthony for £200 according to a document drawn up in London on 18 Oct 1570, of which he repaid £60 in his lifetime. Anthony claimed the remaining £140, with £40 damages.

Isabel failed to appear. The court awarded Anthony recovery of his debt, with 7s costs from the deceased's goods and 23s from Isabel.


Anthony Jackson, d.1592, owned The Bell. He was probably William's brother, and they both evidently had interests in London as well as Winslow. William was clearly not a linen draper in Winslow, and must have had a business in London too, but he was buried at Winslow on 10 Sep 1586. William's alehouse (see the certificates of 1577) in Winslow evidently did not provide accommodation for visitors, only entertainment (note the playing tables).

fosser = forcer: a chest, coffer or casket (OED).

Rowlers: perhaps rollers for towells.