Will of Thomas Jaye of Shipton, 1553/4
Herts RO 3AR141
In the name of god Amen anno domini 1553 viijth day of Marche I Thom(a)s Jaye of Shypton in the p(ar)isshe of Wynslowe beyng hole of memory make (thi)s my last wyll & testam(ent) in man(er) & forme Follrynge fyrst I bequeathe my sowll to Almyghty god to o(ur) lady saynt Mary & all ye holy Companye of heven & my body to be buryd in the Churche yarde of Wynslowe Ite(m) I bequeathe to ye mother Churche of S(t) Albans ij d Ite(m) ye rest of all my debts & legacys payde I will to John Jay my sone whom I make my sole exec(utor) In wytnes thereunto Willia(m) Buckyngham Thomas Elyot John Grante & others
[Probate granted 16 July 1554 to the executor]