Herts RO 5AR61
In the name of god amen Anno D(omi)ni mli vc xlijo
the xxiij Day of Nove(m)ber yn the yere of the Rayne of King Henry
the viijth xxxiiij I Isabel Jenyns widowe of hole & freshe Rem(em)brance
& somewhat sycke & weke yn bodye make & ordeyne thys my
p(re)sent testament & last will, first I bequeath my sould to the father of
heven &c & my bodye to be buryed yn the churchyard of saynt Lawrence
of Wynslowe, and the lyttell goods all that I have ther of elswher
shold have that ys yn the hands & custodye of my cosyn & brother
yn lawe John Lowe iiij li & a cople of oxen & yn the hands of Thomas
Childers xiij s iiij d lent hym I gyve & bequeth unto my cosyn Jane
Boston the wyfe of John Boston & to her whome I make & ordeyne
to be myn Executrix to bestow[?] yt at her plesure as she thinks
best wytness Sir Will(ia)m Hobbys curat John Clarke.
Isabel's surname may derive from Janyn or Jenkins, both of which are attested at Winslow in the 15th century. Her cousin Jane was John Boston's third wife, but her original surname is not clear; she predeceased John, who died in 1558.