Will of Thomas Kenwricke of Westminster, apothecary, 1701
National Archives PROB 11/460/73
In the Name of God Amen The Second Day of April Anno D(omi)ni One thousand seven hundred and one in the Thirteenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord William the Third by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland etc. I Thomas Kenwricke of the parish of St. James within the Liberty of Westminster in the County of Middlesex Apothecary being somewhat indisposed in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory (praised be God therefore) Do make ordain publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner following (vizt) Imprimis I resign and yeild up my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my merciful Creatour and of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer My body I com(m)it to the Earth to be decently buryed at the discretion of my Executrix hereinafter named And as touching my temporall Estate (my debts and Funerall expences being thereout first paid and defrayed) I give and dispose thereof as followeth (that is to say) First I give devise and bequeath unto my loving Wife Jane Kenwricke her Heirs and Assignes for ever all my Estate right title Interest benefit profit posecssion [sic] Reverc(i)on property claim and demand whatsoever of in and to a certain Copyhold Messuage Tenement or house with the Orchards Gardens Lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging scituate lying and being in Shipton within the parish of Winslow in the County of Bucks the Reverc(i)on and remainder whereof I lately purchased of and from Henry Townsend Item I give and bequeath unto my said wife Jane Kenwricke all the Rents Issues and profits of all and singular my other Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever as well freehold as Copyhold and Leasehold which I am now possessed of or hereafter shall or may be interested in and intituled to in possession reverc(i)on or otherwise howsoever To hold and enjoy the same unto my said wife during her widowhood for the maintenance bringing up & providing for my two Daughters Elizabeth Kenwricke and Jane Kenwricke untill their respective ages of one and twenty years But in case my said Wife shall not continue a Widow until my said Daughters attain the said age Then from and imediately after her marriage My Will and desire is that her Mother Jane Dymocke shall have and enjoy all the Rents Issues and profits of my said Estate for bringing up my said Daughters until their respective ages of one and twenty years as aforesaid And then and from thenceforth I do wholly and absolutely give and devise all my Estate reall and personall unto my said two Daughters their Heirs Executors and Assigns for ever (except only what is herein before absolutely and perticulerly given and devised unto my said wife and her Heirs) But in case my said two Daughters shall both happen to dye and depart this life before their said ages without any Issue of their Body living Then and in such case I do give devise and bequeath all the Estate part and porc(i)on so belonging to my said Daughters unto my said wife Jane Kenwricke for and during the term of her naturall life And from and after her decease then unto her said Mother Jane Dymocke for and during the term of her naturall life And from and after the decease of my said wife and her said Mother Then I do absolutely give devise and bequeath the same unto the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore of the parish of Kings Sutton in the County of Northampton for the use and benefit of the poore of the said parish for ever And I do make and constitute my said wife Jane Kenwricke Executrix of this my Will And do desire authorize and appoint William Stonnell Sadler and Robert Woodburne Chandler Overseers thereof Lastly I do revoke and make void all former and other Wills and Legacies by me at any time heretofore made and given In witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament contained in two Sheets of paper set my hand to each Sheet and my Seal to the whole And to this the Day and year first abovewritten.
Thomas Kenwricke
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Thomas
Kenwricke as his last Will and Testament this Second Day of
April One thousand seven hundred and one in the presence
of us who have at the request and in the sight of the said
Testator subscribe our names as Witnesses hereunto.
William Burchall
Sarah Callahan
Matthew Hopkinson Junr Ser'
[Proved at London 19 April 1701 on the oath of Jane Kenwricke, widow]
Thomas Kenwrick was the son of Robert Kenwrick esq. of King's Sutton, from whom he inherited £400 in 1690 (National Archives PROB 11/398/166). He married Jane, daughter of John Dymock, at Winslow on 25 June 1691. Their daughter Elizabeth was baptised at Winslow on 30 May 1692, but Jane must have been born at Leighton Buzzard, where Thomas had moved by 1696, when he bought the land in Shipton from Henry Townsend (surrendered by his widow Jane in 1702). Elizabeth and Jane were admitted tenants of their father's messuage in Winslow in 1703.
Jane the daughter left a will made and proved in 1722 (National Archives PROB 11/588/357). She was then the wife of John Johnson of St Dunstan Stepney, woolcomber. The will refers to an indenture of 22 April 1718 between Jane Kenwrick her mother (of the parish of St Botolph without Aldgate) and herself, John Johnson, Jane Dymock of St Botolph without Aldgate widow and Thomas Dymock of London citizen and barber surgeon, her grandmother and uncle. The will mentions land at King's Sutton but says nothing about Winslow. Her property was to go to her husband for his life, with reversion to her cousins William, Sarah and Ann Dymock. She also left £100 to her cousin Jane Dymock.
Jane Kenwrick, Thomas' widow, inherited the (unspecified) property of her brother Thomas Dymock, citizen and barber surgeon of London, under his will made in 1723 and proved in 1724 (National Archives PROB 11/588/357). The only other beneficiary was his cousin William Dymock who received £10.