Will of Jack Leslie Killick, 1960 (proved 1963)
Principal Probate Registry
BE IT KNOWN that JACK LESLIE KILLICK of Parsons Close Winslow Bletchley Buckinghamshire died on the 6th day of February 1963 at St Stephens Hospital London S.W.10.
... Administration ... was granted to WILLIAM GEORGE HONE of 7 Tyrawley Road Fulham London bank official and NEVILL HERBERT NEW of 17 Finsbury Square London E.C.2 solicitor the executors named in the said will,
Gross value of the estate £16337-15-0
Net value £16299-0-0
£2810-13-0 on account of estate duty and interest on such duty has been paid
Dated 11th day of April 1963
Extracted by H.W. & S. Patey 17 Finsbury Square, London E.C.2
I, JACK LESLIE KILLICK of Parsons Close Winslow in the County of Buckingham hereby revoke all former Wills and testamentary dispositions made by me and DECLARE this to be my last Will which I make this twenty eighth day of September One thousand nine hundred and sixty.
1. I APPOINT WILLIAM GEORGE HONE of 7 Tyrawley Road Fulham S.W.6. in the County of London Bank Official and NEVILL HERBERT NEW of 17 Finsbury Square E.C. 2 in the County of London Solicitor to be Executors of this my Will.
2. I BEQUEATH the following legacies free of duty:-
(1) TO WINIFRED ROSE COLLINS of 1 Church Walk Winslow aforesaid Widow the sum of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS.
(2) TO GILLIAN MORGAN daughter of Gwyllim Morgan of Silverden Oast Northiam in the County of Sussex the sum of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS.
3. I BEQUEATH to LORNA THERESE CLEVELAND DONALDSON of 1B Campview Wimbledon S.W.19. in the County of London absolutely all my shares and all other my estate and interest in Killick and Donaldson Limited.
4. I DEVISE AND BEQUEATH all my real and personal property whatsoever and wheresoever of or to which I shall be seised possessed or entitled at my death (including property over which I may have a power of appointment by Will) except property otherwise disposed of by this my Will or any Codicil hereto subject to and after payment of my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and the legacies bequeathed by this my Will or any Codicil hereto unto the said WILLIAM GEORGE HONE absolutely.
5. I HEREBY express a wish but without creating any binding trust that out of my said residuary estate the said William George Hone will allow my Cousin MARY KILLICK of Parsons Close Winslow aforesaid to choose for herself not more than five items of furniture pictures books ornaments or other household effects from my house at Parsons Close aforesaid.
6. ANY Executor or Trustee being a Solicitor or other person engaged in any profession or business may be so employed or act and shall be entitled to charge and be paid all professional and other charges for any business or act done by him or his firm in connection with the administration of my estate or the trusts thereof including acts which a trustee could have done personally.
IN WITNESS whereof I the said JACK LESLIE KILLICK have to this my Will set my hand the day and year first above written.
SIGNED by the above-named Testator as ) [signed] Jack L Killick
his last Will in the presence of us )
both present at the same time who in )
his presence at his request and in the )
presence of each other have hereunto )
subscribed our names as witnesses :- )
[signed] B[---] Patey 17 Finsbury Square London E.C.2. Solicitor
G. B. Osborn 16, Roedean Avenue, Enfield, Middx. Secretary
Jack Killick was an antiques dealer from London who bought Parsons Close (now the Barn Studio) in about 1947 and lived there with relatives in one part of it, initially his aunt Margaret McEwan Porter (d.1950). In 1952 Winslow RDC got planning permission to build houses on the adjacent land despite his opposition.