Administration of Matthew King, 1841
Herts RO 277AW6
Summary (original spellings retained)
7 Dec 1841
William King of Abbotts Langley gentleman alledged that he is one of the brothers of Matthew King, late of Winslow, who died intestate on 4 Nov last. His goods do not amount to £300.
Administration bond for £600 granted to William King of Abbotts Langley, gentleman; Josiah King of Winslow, gentleman; John Redwood of Watford, waiter.
William King is to make an inventory by the last day of June next and an accompt by the last day of December.
Signed in the presence of W.W. McCreight, surrogate.
Matthew King was aged 51 when he died. He was the son of John and Sarah King, baptised at Winslow in 1789. In the 1841 Census, Matthew King of independent means was recorded at Winslow Hall (but the age is given wrongly if it's the same man). He paid church rates in 1840 for a house and orchard, so probably lived in part of what is now The Courtyard. He was a member of the Bucks Yeomanry in 1812.