Will of Tobias Littlepage of Little Horwood, innkeeper, 1623/4 (proved 1626)
TNA PROB 11/150/490
In the name of God Amen The seaven & twentieth daie of February Anno Dni 1623 I Tobias Littlepage of Little Horwood in the Countie of Bucks Innkeeper being weake and sicke in bodie, but of perfect understanding and memorie, thankes be to god therefore doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following And first I bequeath my soule into the handes of Almightie god, And will my bodie to be buried where and in what manner myne executor shall thinke fit, And for my worldlie goodes and substance I thus dispose of it First my brother Edward Littlepage dwelling at Kingston in Ashton parish hath sixtie poundes of money of myne in his handes, out of w(hi)ch my will is that he paie unto Katherine Mullins my wiefs daughter the som(m)e of eight poundes within three yeares after my decease Item I give unto Prudence my wief all the Moveables about my house, to use the same soe long as she liveth, And my will is that after her decease, they should remayne unto Richard Mullins my wiefs sonne for ever Lastlie I make the saide Prudence my wief sole executrix of this my last will and testament And in token hereof I sett my hand & Seale to their presents, The yeare and Daie first above written The marke of Tobias Littlepage Wittnesses William Sterne Cler[icus] [signature] The marke of Richard Cooper George Willett [signature]
[Proved at London on 4 December 1626 on the oath of Prudence Littlpage widow and executrix, who was sworn by commision before James Stilton rector of Foxc[ot]]
William Sterne was vicar of Little Horwood 1621-27.
Kingston appears to be Kingston Blount in the parish of Aston Rowant, Oxon.