Will of Henrietta Allithea Martin, spinster, 1920 (proved 1929)
Oxford Probate Registry
BE IT KNOWN that HENRIETTA ALLITHEA MARTIN of Winslow in the County of Buckingham who died there on the 18th day of September 1928 a Spinster without parent made and duly executed her last Will and Testament and did not therein name any Executor or Residuary Legatee or Devisee.
That Stanley John Martin the lawful Brother of the whole blood and one of the persons entitled to share in the Estate of the said deceased now resides in Canada.
AND BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that at the date hereunder written Letters of Administration with the Will of all the estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the deceased were granted by His Majesty’s High Court of Justice at the District Probate Registry thereof at Oxford.
ELLEN MARY GREAVES of Western House Winslow aforesaid Widow the lawful Attorney of the said Stanley John Martin for his use and benefit and until he shall duly apply for and obtain Letters of Administration (with the said Will) of the said estate.
Dated the 4th day of April 1929
Gross Value of Estate £502 2 0
Net Value of Personal Estate £475 16 6
Extracted by Philip Wood, Solicitor Winslow
[margin] Sureties
Philip Wood of Winslow aforesaid Solicitor
And The Reverend St John Hungerford Beamish
Clerk of the Vicarage Winslow aforesaid
[p.2] Blanks in original
THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me of in the County of made this day of in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and
I hereby revoke all Wills made by me at any time heretofore I appoint to be my Executor and direct that all my Debts and Funeral Expenses shall be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease
I GIVE AND BEQUEATH unto my Brother George W. Martin or Alice his wife half of money in Metropolitan Stock Post Office War Stock Exchequer Bonds War Saving Certificates etc Maple Preference & Ordinary Shares & Shares in Arding & Hobbs
John Frederick Barlow & Stanley Barlow Martin nephews the other half divided.
Ellen M. Greaves & after death to Marjorie L. Tompkins P.C. Screen Gold wrist watch & Topaz cross & Brooch small brooch
Marjorie L. Tompkins all carved things (except mentioned) odd & ends of Jewelry (not mentioned) Half of China (chosen in turn (not blue in Dining room) Half of all English Books Bookcase in Drawing room
Dorothy Edgar Carved Frame in Dining room Half of China (except mentioned) Cupid Candle Ornaments Piano if desired if not sold & money to go to rest left
Dr. Basil Newham Chest of Drawers with all Blue China & all Foreign Stamps for his son Alan
Evelyn G. Buckland (E. Bucklands) Camoe [sic] Brooch & Bible Rocking Chair & small Writing Table.
Madame Dieltiens Picture “Raising the Maypole” Also all small ones Dresden China Figures in Drawing room 2 Plated Candlesticks Plated Tea Set & Hot Water Jug Fish Slice & Fork Pr of Carvers in Case Chiffoniers Box Sofa Small Book shelf
Mrs Vaisey Leaf Candlestick.
Norah Vaisey other half of all English Books
Helen Hinkley All Music & Ottomon [sic]
Alice Read Machine Clothes of all kinds & plain gold watch if with me at death if left to be given to Alan Newham
SIGNED by the said Testator in the presence of us present at the same time who at h request in h presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses.
Mary Rogers ) Box Cottage
Nora Benger ) Winslow, Bucks.(4 Folios)
Affidavits in support of the due execution of the Will and that it was executed in the month of May 1920 filed
John T Lewis
District Registrar
On the Fourth day of April 1929 Administration with this Will limited of the Estate of the Testatrix was granted at Oxford.
Henrietta Allithea Martin was the daughter of Alethea Martin (d.1888) who worked for the Willis family and is commemorated on their tomb (see the will of D.T. Willis). She was born at Southampton, attended the Freemasons' School at Battersea (1871 Census) and worked as a governess at Kempston (1891) and Forest Row (1901). She arrived in Winslow by 1910 when she is mentioned as a district visitor (Buckingham Advertiser, 11 June) but she was away on a visit for the 1911 Census. In 1921 she was aged 60 years 1 month, living at 34 Horn Street, with a servant Alice Read (mentioned in the will), apparently as a tenant of Mrs Greaves. Most of the beneficiaries of the will were Winslow connections.