Memorandum about Nicholas Mason

Herts RO 68AW17

[first hand] Memorandu(m) it was the last will and Testament of Nicholas Mason of Winslow in the county of Bucks glover (beinge in p(er)fect health) That when he died he would leave all that he had to his wife and child
                                                                                    Teste me Tho. Poole  clerico

[Robert Maynwaring's hand] The oath was ministered unto Anne Mason wife of the above named Nicholas Mason, Maii 8 by me
                                                                        Robt Maynwaring [signature]

Inventory of Nicholas Mason, glover, 1625/6

Herts RO A25/2914

The true & p(er)fit Inventary of all & singuler the Goods Debts & Chattells of Nicholas Mason late of Winslow in the County of Bucks Glover deceased made and praysed the sixth of February 1625 by William Spooner and Henry Pimme

In Primis his Apparrill   

l s

Item the Lease of his howse with certain thinges therto belonginge

xv li

Item wooll & certain haire  

xi li

Item two kittles, a pott, two chafrons*, two skimmers five platters a frying panne, a paire of cobyrons*, a paire of potthookes and hangers, spoones, sawcers, poringers, saltes, milk boles, a spitt potts and such like 

xlii s iiii d

Item a great chest 

xvi s
Item three other chestes, a cupbord and a little box  xx s

Item A Joynd bedsteede    

x s

Item  A table & frame, two Joynd formes three stooles and two chaires    

xx s

Item two barrells a cradle, one kiver* and two bucketts   

viii s

Item wood and certain other thinges  

xx s vi d

Item A Lynnen wheele     

i s ii d

Item Certain boardes, pales & a plancke  

xx s

Item A spade, a shovle, a forke, & a hatchett    

ii s

Item earthen milke panns & potts, a halfe peck, a paire of bellowes a lanthorne, certaine horseshoes and fetters       

iii s

Item iiij paire of sheetes & an od one two table clothes, two napkins a paire of pillowbeares, & two hand wipers

xxxiii s iiii d

Item A kiverlid* a blanket a boulster two pillowes and a wooll bed

xxxii s
Item Corne and hay   vii li i s
Item one great kittle more xviii s
Item two sackes, a tyle cloth a stake & a roith[??]      viii s

Item two kyvers, a tubb a knife, rough[?] lether and certaine other thinges       

xx s
Item two beastes a heifer & a suckinge calfe                     ix[?] li
Item three ewes & three Teggs           xl s
Item a hogg and a pigg xvi s iiii d
Item three henns & a cocke ii s iiii d
Item gloves leather and such like v li
Item syves and such like trifles iii s iiii d
Item cheese, saulte  butter, apples & other such thinges xiiii s vi d
Item a pannel, bridle and stirrups    xx d
Item glove stickes, branne, a paire of sheares and a little planck xii d
Item two little boardes           x d
Item painted clothes a lodstone & a halfe a paire of scales vi s
Item malt xviii d
Item pelts v s
Item owings by Heath[?] Mason his brother iiii li i s
Item owinge by Edward Tomlins iiii li
Item owinge by one Dale of Bucks x s
Item owinge by Thomas Poole of Twiford iii li x s
Sum(m)a To(ta)lis        lxxix li xviii s x d

[Latin] Exhibitum fuit huiusmodi inventarium per [blank] Mason Relictam et Adminstratorem decimo quinto Maii 1626 pro vero pleno ac Integro c(o)m' &c sub protestacione de Addendo si &c. [signed] Tho: Rekitt P+++

[translation] This inventory was presented by [Anne] Mason, widow and administrator, on 15 May 1626 as a true, full and entire account, on condition of adding if, etc.


Chafrons: not in OED but presumably from to chafe (i.e. heat) + iron.

Cob-iron: an iron to hold a spit (OED).

Kiver: A shallow wooden vessel or tub (OED).

Kiverlid: presumably coverlet


Click on the pictures for full image of the documents:

The memorandum

Memorandum about Nicholas Mason

The inventory

Inventory of Nicholas Mason


Copyright 18 April, 2011