Inventory of Matthew Myller, 1614

Herts RO A25/2379

Please note: the original document uses Roman numerals.

The true and p(er)fitt Inventory of all and Singuler the goods debts and Cattells of Mathew Myller late of Shipton in the p(a)rish of Wynslo in the Cowntye of Bucks deceased made & praysed the Fowrth daye of Maye 1614 by Peter Fyge Richard Snow and Thomas Overinge
£ s
In Primis a Cowe bullock   30
Item xviij sheepe 10  
Item wood   20
Item debts and in Iron and Coles 3  
Item his Apparell   30
Item in ready money   20
Summa Totalis
Signu(m) Elizabethe Myller Administratricis

[Presented by Elizabeth Myller, widow and administratrix, 11 May 1614]

Obligation of Elizabeth Myller

Herts RO 55AW47

[Latin - English words in italics]
May everyone know through the present (documents) that I Elizabeth Myller widow, spynster, widow of Matthew Myller lately while he lived of Shipton next to Wynslo in the county of Bucks deceased, am bound and firmly obliged to the venerable Master John Byll, professor of holy theology, archdeacon of St Albans in the diocese of London, for forty marks of lawful money of England, to be paid to the same archdeacon or his certain attorney, executors, adminstrators or assigns.  To the full and faithful making of which payment indeed I oblige myself, my heirs, executors and administrators by the present (documents) signed with my seal, given the eleventh day of May in the twelfth year of the reign of our lord James, by grace of God king of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith etc., and of Scotland the forty seventh. 1614

The Condicon of this Obligacon is suche That if the above bound Elizabeth Myller Administratrix of all and singular the goods debts and Cattells of the above named Mathew Myller her Executors Administrators or Assignes or any of them do well and truly Administer the said goods debts and Cattells, that is to say do paye or cause to be payed the lawfull debts w(hi)ch the said deceased did owe unto any maner of p(er)sons at the tyme of his life and death as far further as the same goods debts and Cattells thereunto will extend and as the lawe maye charge them And also do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Courte of Registry of the above named Archdecon of Saynt Albans a true and p(er)fit Inventory of all and singular the foresaid goods debts and Cattells, And Further do make or cause to be made a iust true and faithfull Accompte of and upon that Administracon in the premisses at such tyme and when as they shalbe therunder lawfully required That then  this p(resen)t Obligacon shalbe voyde and of none affecte Or else to stand and abyde in full power strength effect and virtue

Sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Rokett, notary public.
Mark of Elizabeth Myller