Will of Edward Michell of Stony Stratford, baker, 1600
Centre for Bucks Studies, D/A/Wf/14/350
Summarised below
"My nowe dwelling howse which I lately purchaysed of Michaell Parrott and Jhoane his wife, to Jhoane my Wief duringe her wydohood without payeinge any thinge for the same ... But only the chief rent." If she remarries "she shall have yt untyll my sonne Edward Michell come to his full Age of Twentie and one yeares" paying him 20s p.a.
The house to go to Edward and the heirs of his body. "for want of suche issue", to my son James and the heirs of his body, to be entered when he is 21. "for want of suche issue", to my son Sylvester and the heirs of his body, to be entered when he is 21. "for want of suche issue", to my son Nicholas and the heirs of his body, to be entered when he is 21.
"And for want of such yssue I doe gyve the same my house and lands to my Fyve daughters ... Marie Annes Frauncis Ales and Elizabeth ... to be Equally devided Amongest them".
To my daughter Marie Michell: £20 "to be paid to here At her daie of Mariage".
To my daughter Annes: £20, to be paid as above.
To my daughter Frauncis: £20 "to be paid to her Att her Age of Eightene yeares".
To my daughter Ales: £20, to be paid as above.
To my daughter Elizabeth: £20, to be paid as above.
To my son James: £20 to be paid to him at his age of Twentie and one yeares.
To my son Edward: £20, "my knedinge Troffe, my best Mouldinge bowl, and a boultinge Arke, to be payd and delyverid to him at his Age of Twentie and one Yeares".
To my son Sylvester: £20 to be paid when he is 21.
To my son Nicholas: £20 to be paid when he is 21.
If any of them die before their legacy is due, it is to be divided among the others.
"If Jhoane now my wief happen to marie agayne, then she or her husband, whom she shall marie w(i)thall, shall before the tyme of her solempnysinge of her mariage, with sufficiente suerties enter into sufficient bonds to my oversears ... for the due p(er)formauns of my Childrens stockes".
To the poor people of Stony Stratford "such as most nede" 20s to be "distributed Amongest them, at the discretion of my oversears".
The residue to "Jhoane my wief whom I do make my sole executrix".
Overseers, receiving 5s each: William Lante als Sponer, Nicholas Michell, Sylvester Michell of Winselowe, George Walton and William Barrett of Stonystratford.
Witnesses: George Walton, Willm Barrett.
Probate granted to the executrix on 7 Nov 1600 by William Smyth, commissary of the Archdeacon of Bucks.
Edward Mitchell was born in Winslow c.1560 and married Joan Spooner (d.1621, see will). See Mitchell family for more information. Although he was evidently the eldest son, the bakery business in Winslow went to his younger brother Nicholas. Edward seems to have prospered, judging from the size of the legacies.