Will of Edmund Newman of Wynslowe, 1512/13
Herts RO 2AR153
[Latin] In dei nomine amen xo die mensis Februari anno domini mo quingentesimo xijo Ego Edmundus Newman sane mentis tamen eger in corpore videns in periculum mortis imminere condo testamentum meum in hunc modum In primis lego animam meam deo omnipotenti beate Marie virgini & omnibus sanctis corpusque meum sepeliend’ in cimiterio ecclesie sancti Laurencii de Wynslow Item lego tumbe sancti Albani iiij d. Item lego summo altari dicte ecclesie de Wynslow pro decimis negligenter oblitis unum modium frumenti. Item lego lumini sancti Laurencii iiij d. Item lego lumini sancte Crucis unum modium ordii. Item lego cuilibet altari dicte ecclesie iiij modios ordii. Item lego torciis duos modios ordii. Item lego campanis duos modios ordii Residuum vero omnium bonorum meorum superius non legatorum meis debitis prius bene & fideliter solutis do & lego Johanne uxori mee ipsamque facio ordino & constituo meam solam executricem ut ipsa hoc ultimum velle meum perficiat & cetera bona mea non legata ita disponat sicut coram deo in die iudicii respondere voluerit Dat’ apud Wynslow die & anno supracript’ cum hiis testibus domino Georgio Brown vicario ibidem Thoma Glenist(er) & Willelmo Elbret cum multis aliis
[translation] In the name of God amen, on 10 Feb 1512, I Edmund Newman, of healthy mind but sick in body, seeing that I am in imminent peril of death, make my will in this way. First I bequeath my soul to God the father almighty, the blessed Mary the virgin and all the saints, and my body to be buried in the churchyard of the church of St Laurence of Wynslow. Item I bequeath to the tomb of St Alban 4d. Item I bequeath to the high altar of the said church of Wynslow for tithes negligently forgotten one bushel of wheat. Item I bequeath to the light of St Laurence 4d. Item I bequeath to the light of the holy cross one bushel of barley. Item I bequeath to each altar of the said church 4 bushels of barley. Item I bequeath to the torches two bushels of barley. Item I bequeath to the bells two bushels of barley. The residue indeed of all my goods not bequeathed above, my debts previously well and faithfully paid, I give and bequeath to Joan my wife, and I make, ordain and appoint her my sole executrix that she may carry out this my last will, and my other goods not bequeathed she may dispose of as she will wish to answer before God on the day of judgment. Given at Wynslow on the day and year written above with these witnesses: Master George Brown, vicar of the same place, Thomas Glenister and William Elbret with many others.
[Probate granted 22 June 1513]