Will of Edward Payn, 1518/19

Herts RO 2AR172

In the name of god amen the yere of o(ur) lord god m dxix the xxiijth day of January I Edward Payn beyng in my hole mynde make my last will in this forme folowyng  First I com(m)ende my soule to almyghty god to o(ur) blessed lady virgyn to saint Laurence & to all the blessid company of hevyn my body to be buryed in the church yarde of Wynslowe  It(e)m I bequethe to the high awter of Wynslow j b(ushel) of malt.  It(e)m to o(ur) lady awt(er) j b(ushel) of malt  It(e)m to the awt(er) before the Trinite j b(ushel) of malt  It(e)m to the rode lyght j b(ushel) of malt  It(e)m to the torches iiij s  It(e)m to the bells ij b(ushels) of malt  It(e)m I will have ij tryntalls said in the chirch of Wynslow  The residue of all my goods not bequethed my will fulfilled & my detts paide I bequethe to Robert Hoonar’ whom I putt in trust & make myn Executor to dispose them to the pleasur(e) of god & to the moost helth of my soule  It(e)m I bequethe to the said Robert Hoonar’ for his labor j q(ua)rt(er) of malt.  It(e)m to S(i)r Walt(er) my goostly father [j quart(er)] of malt  Witnes hereof my goostly father Mr Bayly of Wynslow Richard Angewell Rob(er)t Tho(m)lyn

[Probate granted 28 April 1519]


On the "ghostly fathers", see List of vicars.

The executor is probably Robert Honer, d.1525.