Will of George Roads, carpenter, 1865
Oxford Probate Registry
This is the last Will and Testament of me George Roads of Winslow in the County of Bucks, Carpenter. I give and bequeath to my Nephew George Roads, Son of my Brother Thomas Roads, all my working tools. I bequeath to my Son Charles the Legacy or sum of Ten pounds to be paid to him within six Calendar Months next after my decease, out of my Personal Estate. I devise all the real estate, and bequeath the residue of the personal estate of which I shall be seized or possessed at the time of my decease, unto my Housekeeper Elizabeth Goodger, her heirs executors, administrators and assigns absolutely, according to the several natures and tenures thereof. I appoint my said Nephew George Roads, and my said Housekeeper Elizabeth Goodger, Executor and Executrix of my Will and revoke all other Wills. In Witness whereof I the said George Roads the Testator have hereunto set my hand this Sixteenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and sixty five.
George Roads [signature]
Signed by the said George Roads, the Testator in the joint presence of us, who at his request, in his presence, and the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses Thos Price Willis [signature] Attorrney, Winslow. William Matthews [signature] Builder, Winslow
ON the Twenty second day of May 1865, the Will of George Roads late of Winslow in the County of Buckingham, Carpenter, deceased, who died the Twenty first day of April 1865, at Winslow aforesaid, was proved in the District Registry attached to Her Majesty’s Court of Probate at Oxford by the Oaths of George Roads of Winslow aforesaid, Carpenter, the Nephew of the Deceased and Elizabeth Goodger of the same place, Spinster, the Executors therein named they having been first sworn duly to administer.
Effects under £300. No Leaseholds.
Extracted by Willis and Willis, Solicitors, Winslow, Bucks.
It is hereby certified that the above is a correct Copy. Dated this First day of June 1865.
George Roads was aged 62 when he died. The 1861 Census shows him as a widower living alone in Buckingham Road (now High Street). He was baptised on 2 Feb 1803, son of John and Mary Rhoads [sic]. He married Susanna Pennell in 1826. They were living in Sheep Street in 1841. They had a son Frederick baptised in 1830 and son Charles in 1841 (as well as three children who died young). Susanna died in 1847 aged 46. Frederick was living with his father in 1851 and only died in 1900 so he was omitted from the will altogether. Charles was lodging at The Stag in 1861.
Elizabeth Goodger (b.c.1822) was living with her parents Thomas (d.1868 - see his will) and Hannah a few doors away from George Roads in 1861. In 1871 she was living alone and described herself as "householder, independent" so she had apparently retained ownership of George Roads' house (which he probably built himself).