Nuncupative will of Thomas Saunders alias Saunderson, blacksmith, 1742

Herts RO 179 AW17

The Nuncup\a/tive Will of Thomas Saunders otherwise Saunderson late of Winslowe in the County of Bucks Blacksmith taken sick and surprized in his Shop (wherein he used to do the business of his trade) at East Cleydon in the said County about five of the Clock afternoon on Munday the fifth [deletion] day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty two and being thence removed to the dwelling house of Elizabeth Shimill Widdowe in East Cleydon aforesaid he made and declared his Last Will in the words or to the Effect following  That is to say I give unto my Brother and my Brothers sons one shilling a peice I give all the rest and residue of my personall Estate goods and chattells whatsoever and wheresoever unto my dear wife and I appoint her my Executrix and bid the subscribers bear witness thereof  But if she pleases to give my apprentice boy Dick anything she may.   and about two of the clock in the morning of the sixth day of July aforesaid the said Thomas Saunders otherwise Saunderson departed this life at the dwelling house of the said Elizabeth Shimill in East Cleydon aforesaid 
In Testimony whereof wee have hereunto subscribed our names this seventh day of July in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Forty two

Wittnesse to the subscribing
John Baily
Thomas Millward
Thomas Baily
Benedict Holland
Robert Eden

12th of August 1742 Ann Sanders otherwise Sanderson Wife of the Testator and Sole Executrix of this Will \named/ was sworn to the Truth of it before John Cole Archdeacon of St. Alban's


Thomas Saunders was not buried at Winslow but three of the five witnesses to his final wishes must have been summoned from there (and one from Granborough).

Copyright 25 September, 2018