Will of Alice Scott, single woman, 1610
Herts RO 51AW37
In the name of god amen the ix daye of maye In the yeare of our lord god 1610 I Alice Scote of Stokenchurche in the Countie of Oxford \Winsloe in the countye of Bucks/ singell woman beinge sicke in bodye and in good and perfite memorye I prayse god doe ordaine and cause to bee made this my laste will and testemente in maner and forme as followethe that is to saye firste I bequethe my soule to almyghtie \god/ my creator and Redemer and my bodye to be buryed in Christian buryall at the discression of my overseers Item I give and bequethe to Brudget Mundaye my sister Marrians daughter one blacke pide Cowe whiche is in the keepinge of John Glenester of Shipton to be delivered at the feaste of Sainte Mycaell the arkangel next Cominge after the date hereof and the use withall for the said Cowe Item I give to the sayd Brudget the some of fortie shillings which is in hir fathers hand Item I give to my sister Marrian Mundaye the some of fortie shillges shillinges to bee Receaved at the feaste of Sainte Mycaell the arkangell next Cominge after the date hereof I give more unto my sister Marryan my beste Coverled my beste blanket the beste pott the beste kettle and three of the beste pesses of pewter my beste Cheste and one pare of the beste sheetes & the beste table Clothe Item I give unto my sister Annis hir sonne Thomas Boffinn the some of fortie shillinges to be put into his mothers hand for the best use that may be for hir said sonne until hee Come unto the age of xxj yeares or else at the daye of his marrige if hee be maryed afore alsoe I give unto him my second Coverled and my second blanket alsoe I give him three pesses of pewter the beste after my sister Marryan hath taken hirne forthe alsoe I give unto him one Calufe the next that it shall please god to send of the sayd Cowe which I gave unto Brudget to be Rard for him untill hee be the age of two yeeres alsoe I give him a poot and a kettle the next beste after my sister Marryan hath had hir Choyse alsoe I give him a pare of sheetes and a boulster and a Coffer
[page 2]
Item I give unto my sister Margrete two blankets and a sorye Coverled and a winnosheete and a boulster and a flockebed three pewter platters and a pare of sheetes two of the beste kettles and a Cobbarde and a Coffer my second gowne and my second hat and a Russat safegard and a table and the tressels unto it I give unto my sister Anis my beste gowne my beste peticoate and my beste hat and the Reste of my weringe linan I give unto my sister Anis and my sister Margrete that is at Winsloe to be devided egalllye betwixte them the painted Clothes to be parted betwixt them two sisters Item I give unto my brother John the some of fortie shillinges in moneye to be payd at the feaste of Sainte Mycaell the arkangell next after the date here of alsoe I give the powlteree which be ther betwixt my brother John and my sister Anis alsoe I give unto my sister Margrete the some of fortie shillinges to be payd when it shall be due by the use therof Item I give a flishe of Bacon Betwene my brother John and my sister Anis Item I give my sister Marryan my bushell one plancke and three bordes Item I give unto my sister Anises daughter Elizabethe a candelstike and a saser likewise to hir daughter Mould a saltseller and a saser and alsoe I give unto Brudget Mundaye a Charme and stafe belonging unto it and alsoe I give unto my sister Anis one bedsteed with bordes belonging unto it and alsoe I give unto my sister Margret one bedsteed with the bordes ther to belonginge The Residue of my goodes not given nor bequeathed my debts legeses and funirall being discharged and payd I give and bequethe to Thomas Mundaye my brother \in/lawe who I make my excekuter of this my laste will and testemente that hee disspose it according to my true mind and meaninge her in Contained in witnes wherof I the said Alice Scote have herunto set my marke the daye and yeare her in written
In wytness of us
[signed] Robart Gerard
and [signed]
Christopher Powlter
[Probate at St. Albans 20 June 1610 to Thomas Mundaye executor]
Inventory of Alice Scott, 1610
Herts RO A25/2190
An In(v)intarie of the goods of Alice Scott late ly deceased of Wynslo in the Countye of Bucks singlewoman deceased praysed by those whose names are hereunder written
Inprimis iiij pare of sheets on sheette on table cloth
xxiiij s |
Itm iij coverletts the price |
xiij s iiij d |
Itm iij blanketts the price |
v s |
Itm ij boulsters & on wynnoe sheete |
vij s |
Itm on woollbead the price |
ij s |
Itm vij platters on frutedish ij sawsers on salt on candlestick
& ij spoones the price |
viij s |
Itm two brasse potts iiij kettlls & on skymer the price |
xxiiij s |
Itm on cubbeard & iij cofers the price |
xiiij s |
Itm on bushell on plank iij boards on charme w(i)th a staff on table two sorrie bedsteeds the price |
vj s |
Itm in monie w(hi)ch is given by her |
viij li |
Itm for paynted clothes |
xij d |
Itm for poultrey the price |
ij s |
Itm on cowe the price |
xl s |
Itm more in monie given |
xl s |
Itm her wearing clothes woollen & lynnen |
l s |
Itm more in monie |
xiij s v d ob |
Itm on flitch of bacon |
v s |
Su(m)ma totalis |
xx li xiiij s v d ob |
The names of those w(hi)ch did prayse these goods
Richard Shelton
Robeart Illing &
Nicholas Brinsal
Thomas Mondaye
[Presented by Thomas Mundaye the executor on 20 June 1610]
Alice Scott was apparently not buried at Winslow; perhaps she died at Stokenchurch. She was probably the Alice Scott baptised at Winslow on 5 June 1564.
safegard = safeguard: an outer skirt or petticoat worn to protect the clothing, especially when riding (OED, s.v., 7).
Charme and stafe: i.e. churn and churn-stave (for agitating the milk).