Administration of John Seaton, 1752
Herts RO 196AW11 + Oxon Pec 21/62, 52/2/35
[summarised; original in English]
Ann Seaton of Winslow, widow; George Maydon of the same, butcher; and William Sherman of Aylesbury, barber are bound to Dr George Paul for £32. 1 Feb 1752.
Ann Seaton, widow and administratrix of John Seaton, late of Winslow, deceased, is to make an inventory and exhibit it before the last day of March next, and to present her accounts before the last day of February 1759.
the markes of
Ann Seyton
George Maydon
[?signed William Sherman]
In the presence of John Patten Burnham N.P.
1st February 1752
Sworn the Administratrix within mentioned before me. John Stephens sur(rogate)
John Seaton was buried on 24 Nov 1751. It is not clear which of the many John Seatons he was (see Seaton family). The delay in presenting the accounts may have been because there was a child who would be under age until 1759.