Will of John Schelton, 1498

Herts RO 2AR93

[translated from Latin]

In the name of god amen AD 1498 on 7 August I John Schelton of the parish of Wynslowe sound of mind make my will in this way. First I bequeath my soul to almighty God, the blessed Mary and all his saints, and my body to be buried in the porch[?] [atrio] of the parish church of Wynslowe aforesaid. Item I bequeath in the name of my mortuary payment [principalis] what is just. Item I bequeath to the light of the Holy Trinity of the same church two bushels of barley. Item I bequeath to the light of the crucifix one bushel of barley. Item I bequeath to the bells of the same church one bushel of barley. Item I bequeath to the high altar for my tithes forgotten 4d. Item I bequeath to each minor altar of this church 4d for repairs of the same. Item I bequeath to the torches of the same church 4d. The residue indeed of my goods not bequeathed I give and bequeath to the disposition of Alice Schelton my wife whom I appoint or make my full executrix, and I appoint John Alyn my true supervisor, that they may dispose for the salvation of my soul as they would wish to dispose <of?> their own property in case of council. Given the day and place stated above with these witnesses: Master Peter Clerk [Clericus] rector of Grendon, John Clarke, Thomas Cap(er) with many others.

[Probate 3 Jan 1498/9]


This is the first occurrence of the surname Shelton, which remained prominent in Winslow (mainly Shipton) until the 18th century.

No rector of Grendon Underwood with this name is recorded in Lipscomb's list, but Grendon in Northants has a vicar rather than rector.