Will of William Shelton, 1552
Herts RO 3AR 126
In the name of god amen \xxiiij maij[?]/ yn the yere of o(u)r Lord 1552 I Will(ia)m Shelton being sycke in body & hole of moinde make thys my last will & testam(en)t in mann(er) & forme Followyng I bequeath my soul to ye m(er)cy of almyghtie god & my body to be buryd in ye Churche yard of saynt Lawrence yn Wynslowe Item I bequeath to ye moth(er) churche of saynt Albanys ij d I bequeath to Annabull my wyf my howse and land w(i)th thapp(ur)tenance ther unto p(er)teynying during her naturall lyfe & aft(e)r the{p} desseace of Annabull my wyff I will that my sone Roger shall have the forsaid howse w(i)th all thereto p(er)teynying Item I bequeath to Johan(na) my daught(er) xx s of money and aft(e)r the desseace of Ammabull my wyff a wort panne next to the best Item I bequeath to Elysabeth my daught(er) a heffer bullock and a copell of shepe a brasse pott and the best wort panne iiij peasys of pewt(er) a salcell(ar) a lattyn bason & a candilstick of ye best that ys myne and after the dyssease of Annabull my wyf a chafyngdisshe a mattress a bolster one pair of shets w(i)th caffers a spytt w(i)th a hoke a bedstedd & a tabyll Item I bequeath to my dowght(er) Alys Lane a lyttyll brasse panne It(em) I bequeath to Marryan Lane vj s viij d a latten laver It(em) I bequeath to my dowght(er) Elysabeth a towell wrought w(i)th blue threde It(e)m I will (tha)t all the forsaid legasys be fore bequeathed to ye afforsaid Elisabeth my daught(er) shalbe d(elivere)d to ye forsaid Elisabeth at ye tyme of her marriage or else befor when she comyth to lawfull discrestion the chafyngdisshe only excepted also yf it fortune (tha)t forsaid Elisabeth to dye before the tyme of her marriage that then all and singuler legasis before bequeathed I will (tha)t they shall be distributyd amongist the Childerne of Roger Shelton Alys Lane & Johan(ne) Skotte by equall porc(i)ons It(em) I will (tha)t Anabull my wyff shall have one of my best bedstedds (tha)t ys in my howse It(e)m I will (tha)t my sone Roger shall have aft(er) the desseace of Annabull my wyff all ancyant & standers of ye howse & that nether ye afforsaid Roger shall yn no wyse alyenate or take awaye any of ye afforsayd durying ye lyfe of my wyff It(em) I will that my sone Roger Shelton shall have my close & alleye therto p(er)teyning in Shippon and he to paye my debts and p(er)forme my legasis before bequeathed the residue of my goods unbequeathyd I gyve and bequeath to Annabull my wyff Also I constitute and orden for my executors Will(ia)m Buckyngh(a)m & Lawrence Smyth and ev(er)y of them to have for there payngs xij d
In wytnes of thes p(re)mysses Richard Decon[?] John Boston Richard Edmonds Robert Ellyat & Richard Pakyn w(it)h other mo(re)
[Probate granted to the executors on 2 Aug 1552 at Wynslowe parish church before William [Hobbs?]
Inventory of William Shelton, 1552
Herts RO A25/130
Thys present Inventory made the fryste day of Auguste In the syxte yere of the rayne of kinge Edwarde ye syxte of all & synguler goods cattell be longynge belongyng to Wyll(ia)m Shelton of Wynslowe
In pri(mi)s ij matterys the pryss | ij s |
It(em) iij bedstes | ij s |
It(em) a coverled & ij bolster & |
viij s viij d |
It(em) ij coffers & an arke | iij s |
It(em) ij tabull a Forme a [deletion] ij stoll and a benche borde & a schape borde | ij s |
It(em) |
xij d |
It(em) iij pans ij brasse potts Ite(m) ij lattyn bassyn & a lav(er) & a chaffynge dyche ij candellstyk and a pewter platter | xiij s & iiij d |
It(em) iij spetts a pere of cubyorns | ij s & iiij d |
It(em) ij tubbys | viij d |
It(em) wod & tymber | vj s & viij d |
It(em) a cartte w(ith) wheel | xx s |
It(em) ij pere of +ahter scher & a pressynge yearne | viij d |
It(em) iiij capull ye prys | xx s |
It(em) a cowe a heffer & callffe | xx s |
It(em) a percell of hey | v s |
It(em) iiij schepes & ij lams | vj s & viij d |
It(em) a Sowe a yellte & iij stor | vj s viij d |
It(em) vj It(em) x regys of benes |
prisse iiij marks |
In wytnes of thys premyssys
John Boston John Milner Wyll(ia)m
Parotte w(ith) ot(hers) & Wyll(ia)m Lane
standers = standards: something permanent; something that has lasted a long time. In pl., permanent or necessary furniture or apparatus (of a household, etc.) (OED, s.v. standard, n. 26 ).
arke = ark, n. - A chest, box, coffer, close basket, or similar receptacle (OED).
+ahter scher: the words have been obscured by a crease in the document; they appear to refer to 2 pairs of shears of some sort.
capull = caple/capul: a horse (OED)