Will of Roger Shelton, husbandman, 1559, proved 1562

Herts RO 5 AW13

In the name of God Amen.  The thyrd day of September in the yere of our lord God mccccclix I Roger Shelton off Wynslo in the cou(n)tie of Buckyngam husbanman beyng sycke in bodie but good[?] of mynde and memorye thanks be gyven to all myghte God make thys my last wyll & testament in [man]ner and forme foloynge  Firste and be fowre all things I gyve and bequethe my my [sou]le in to the handys of all myghty God my bodye to be buryed in the churche yarde of Wynslo afore sayde  It(em) I gyve to my sonne Jhon Shelton my too howses w(ith) all and singular theyre app(ur)ten(an)ces to them belonging, In consideracione whereof I wyll that Jhon my sone shall paye ore cause to be payed unto my too doghters Agnes and Alys Foure pownds of lawfull money of England to be equalye devyded be tweyne them att theyre days of Maryage or before yff so be that it shall seme good and convenient to my overseres And more over I wyll that for none payment of the sayde some of foure pownds it shalbe legall for myne oversears to dystrayne uppone my sayd howses and grownds untyll the sayde some be satysfyed contentyd and payd.  It(em) I gyve and bequethe to Agnes my dowghter one potte ij platters one saltesellar one candlestyck and a payre of sheyttes.  It(em) I gyve and bequethe to Alis my dawghter one potte too platte[rs one] salt sellar one candlestyke and a payre [of] sheyts  And yf yt betime[?] any of my dowghters [to die] before the d[ay of her] maryage I w[ - - - - - - - - ]e h[ave?] the entyre[?] [of the?] afore namyd legac(ie)s.  It(em) I bequeth[e to] Willyam[?] Layne[?] xij [d]  All the reste of my goods not bequethed I gyve and bequethe to Jhon my sone whome I make and ordeyne my howle executore of thys my last wyll and testament and he to se all my detts payd my legac(ie)s dysbarsed and my \body/ onestly browght to the earthe.  I wyll that my freynds Rytchard Edmonds and Wyllyam Glenister to be myne oversears of thys my last wyll and testament & the sayd Rychard Edmonds to have for hys paynes iij s iiij d and Wyllyam Glenister xlij d.  Wytnessys to thys my laste wyll and testament Rytchard Edmons Wyllyam Glenister Wyllyam Layne[?] and Nycolas Sponer w(i)t(h) [others?]

[Latin] Probatum fuit huiusmodi testamentum coram me David’ Kempe Archidiacono &c xviio die mensis Decembris anno domini
1562. Ac[?] per dn’ [...].  Commisaque fuit administratio Johanni executori supranominato Primitus in forma Juris Jurato, salvo &c
ex(hibitum?) est inv(entarium)
[signed] J[?] Cas[te?]

[translation] This will was proved before me, David Kempe, archdeacon etc., on 17 December 1562.... And administration was entrusted to John, the executor named above, having first been sworn in form of law, notwithstanding etc. The inventory was presented.


The middle of the document is damaged where it has been folded. It might be possible to read more text from the original (this transcription is from a photograph). The missing clause presumably said that the surviving sister was to take her deceased sister's share.

The will was not proved until three years after the inventory was taken (which must have happened almost immediately after Roger's death).

Inventory of Roger Shelton, 1559

Herts RO A25/522

The Inventorey of all the goods belongyng to Rytchard Roger Shelton of Wynslo layte desesyd in the yere of oure lord god m ccccc lix and prased by Nycolas Sponar, Jhon Grant, Nycolas Emmarton the ix day of September

Imprymys ij cofres iij bedsteds & ij bowels  iiij s
Item ij Mattresys ij coverleds iiij bowlstres iiij payre of sheytts one pyllobeyre and a dyapare tablecloth w(ith) curteyn  xiij s iiij d
Item ij potts of honey & a furme   iij s
Item iij troghs a bowltynge hutche and a kemmell  iij s iiij d
Item pewtar & brasse  xx s
Item iij spytts one payre of cobards a frying pane a potte hangar and a payr of pothowks vj s viij d
Item a plowe a collare & a shayre  iij s iiij d
Item wole    vj s viij d
Item a cowe & a bolocke     xxij s
Item one hogge v s
Item iij Mayrs        xx s
Item iiij hyves of beys viij s
Item wheyt barley & beyns     iij li
Item ij lowds of hay  xxvj s viij d
Item a cowe iij s iiij d
Item a doblett  ij s
Item a payre of hosses     ij s
Item ij shertts iij s
Item a hatt xij d
x li xiij s iiij d
Detts to be payd
Item to Wyllyam Glenister   vj s
Item to Elysebethe Shelton my syster viij s
xiiij s
S(umma) (to)talis of ye howle  
ye detts deducted wotte coms to   
ix li xix s iiij d

[Latin] Exhibitum per executorem xvijmo die Decembris Anno Domini 1562 pro vero et fideli Inventario cum &c dicti defuncti  &c in vim Juramenti
[signed] J Cas[te]

[translation] Presented by the executor on 17 December 1562 as a true and faithful inventory with, etc., of the said deceased, etc., and in the force of oath.


furme: perhaps a frame from a beehive, containing honey?

cobbard: iron bar placed across a hearth (OED)