Will of Frances Shelton, 1607
Herts RO 7AR239
In the name of god amen The First day of Aprill A(nn)o D(omi)ni 16[07] I Francis Shelton of Winslow in the Countey of Bucks widow being sicke in body but in good and perfect memorie god be thanked doe make this my last will and testament in man(ne)r and forme following First I comitt my soule unto Almighty god my Creator, and to Jesus Christ my only Redeemer by whose meritts only I hope to be saved And my body to be decently buried in the churchyard of Winslow aforesaid. Also I give unto Richard Shelton my sonne in law one blac[k] cow, And my other cow I give unto my sonne Thomas Thruston, and further I give unto him my said sone Thomas Thruston one cupbord one chest one paire of sheetes, tow table clothes and a couple of platters. Also I give unto John Shelton the sonne of Richard Shelton aforesaid my best chest and twenty shillings in money Item I give unto Rob(er)t Shelton sonne of the said Richard Shelton a ioyned bedstedd and twenty shillings in money, Item I give unto my daughter Franc(e)s Biggs one paire of sheetes one blanket and a bolster, and one coverlet my russett gowne and my best peticote and half a quarter of malt and ten shillings in money Item I give unto Alice Shelton daughter of John Shelton my husband deceased one paire of sheetes and a tablecloth and a bedsted in the loft and a quart pott & twentey shillings in money. Also I give unto Alice Shelton daughter of John Shelton of Shipton five shillings in money Item I give unto Thomas Shelton and William Shelton sonnes of Richard Shelton aforesaid ten shillings apeece Item I give unto Ann Shelton Daughter of the said Richard Shelton a trundle bed and a candlestick, and to her sister Dorothy I give a brasse pott. And I give unto Lawrence Shelton sonne of Richard Shelton aforesaid ten bushels of Barley item I give unto Richard and William the sonnes of James Patison therteene shillings which theire Father oweth me to be equally devided betwixt them Also I give unto the poore of the parish of Winslow five shillings to be delivered to them in bread The rest of my goods unbequeathed I give unto Richard Shelton my sonne in law whom I ordaine to be my Executor of this my last will and testame[nt] In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand the day and yeare First above written The mark of Frances Shelton widow in the pr(esen)ce of Rob(er)t Maynwaring and Thomas Lyndson (or Hudson)
(Probate 10 June 1607 at Winslow to Richard Shelton executor)
Inventory of Frances Shelton, 1607
Herts RO A25/2032
The True and p(er)fitt Inventary of all and singler
the goods debts and Cattells of Francys Shelton
widowe(?) late of Wynslo in the Cowntye of Bucks
assessed made and praysed the xxth daye of
Aprill 1607 by Henry Wendover Thomas
Gra(u)nte and Will(ia)m Lunt al(ia)s Spooner
In Primis two kyen |
iiij li xiij s iiij d |
Item xxvj Busshells of malte and Barley |
lij s |
Item fower acres of grayne on the ground |
liij s iiij d |
Item a Cupbord iij olde Bedsteds and ij Chestes |
xxx s |
Item an olde Fetherbed and the furniture to it |
xxvj s viii d |
Item thre payer of sheetes and iij Tableclothes |
xx s |
Item an old Brasse pott v platters, a Candlestick and a quarte pott | xij s |
Item in money |
viij li ij s viii d |
Item owinge by James Pattason |
xiij s |
Item owinge by by Alexander Hall |
viij s |
Item her Apparell |
iij li vj s viij d |
Su(m)ma Totalis |
xxvj li xvij s viij d |
(Latin) The mark of Richard Shelton executor
(Presented 10 June 1607)
Frances was the second wife of John Shelton (d.1601).
Richard Shelton was Frances' stepson, and also apparently her son-in-law in the modern sense, as he married Alice Thruston, probably her daughter from her first marriage, on 22 Nov 1592. Their children mentioned in the will were baptised as follows:
- John 22 Sep 1593
- Robert 11 Nov 1594
- Thomas 9 Dec 1596
- William 12 Nov 1598
- Laurence 12 Aug 1601
- Anne 26 Jan 1602/3
- Dorothy 13 Oct 1604