Will of John Snowe of Shipton, husbandman, 1592

Herts RO 33AW23

In the name of God Amen The xxvjth daye of May in the yeare of our lord god A thousand Fyve hundred foure score and Twelve I John Snowe of Shipton in the p(ar)ishe of Wynslo in the Cowntye of Bucks husbandman beinge syck of body but of good and p(er)fatt mynde and memory thankes be to Almighty god do make and Ordeyne this my last will and Testament in maner and forme followinge, That is to saye First I bequeathe my Sowle to Almighty god my maker, And my Body to be buryed in the Churche of Wynslo aforesaid. Item I geve and bequeathe unto John Snow my sonne Ten pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be paid unto him at his age of one and twentye yeares, And one land to be sown with wheate in Great Ashe furlonge at michaelmas next. Item I geve and bequeathe unto Edward Snowe my sonne Ten powndes of good and lawfull money of England to be paid unto him at his age of one and twenty yeares and one land to be sowen with wheat in Great Ashe furlonge at michelmas next. Item I geve and bequeathe unto Elizabeth my daughter Ten powndes of good and lawfull money of England a brass pot, a kettle, thre payer of sheets half a dosen of pewter and a cowe bullock of two yeares old to be paid and delivered unto her at the daye of her mariag. Item I geve and bequeathe unto Alyce my daughter Ten powndes of good and lawfull money of England a brasse pott a kettle thre payer of sheetes half a dosen of pewter and a cowe bullock of two yeares old to be paid and delivered unto her at the daye of her mariage. Item I will that Richard my sonne shall have one land sowen with wheate in Great Ashe furlong at mychaelmas next after my decease. Also I will and bequeathe unto the said Richard my sonne fyve mares or geldinges w(i)th there with there furniture, fower Cartes, two payer of shodde wheeles and one payer of bare wheeles after the decease of the Katheryne my wyfe. Further my will is that if the said Rychard my sonne will not suffer his mother to enioye the land w(hi)ch I bought during her life, then I will that the said Richard shall paye unto his said brothers John and Edward Twenty powndes when soever he shall enter upon the said land. Item I geve and bequeathe unto the poore of the p(ar)ishe of Wynslo aforesaid the Some of vj s viij d. All the Rest of my goodes moveable and unmoveable not before geven and bequeathed I geve and bequeathe unto Katheryne my wyfe whom I constitute ordeyne and make the whole and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament she to take my debts and paye my debts. Also I make Thomas Graunt al(ia)s Miller the elder and Edmund Terold myne Overseers These being witnesses Thomas Hogson Thomas Graunt al(ia)s Myller th'elder Edmond Terold Thomas Elliott and Thomas Graunt al(ia)s Myller the younger.

[Proved at St Albans on 14 June 1592; probate to Katheryne Snowe widow and executrix in the person of Edmund Tarold her proxy.]

Accounts of the estate of John Snowe, 1602

Herts RO A25/4761

The True and faithfull Accompte of Katheryne Snowe Executrix of the Testament of John Snowe late whyle he lyved of Shipton in the p(ar)ishe of Wynslo in the Cowntye [of Bucks] deceased, wherin are specified and conteyned aswell the Som(me) Totall of the Inventary goods debts and Cattells of the sayd deceased and the iust value of the somme accordinge to a [just and] equall praisement thereof made.  As the maner howe and in what sorte she hath expended satisfied payd and layd out of the same goods as followeth.

In Primis the said Accomptant Chargeth her self w(i)th the Sum(me) of lxxvj li xvj s viij d of lawfull money of England for the iust estate and value of all and sing(u)ler the goods debts and Cattells of the foresaid John Snowe deceased w(hi)ch are come to the hands and possession of this Accomptant according to the iust praisement thereof as appeareth by the Inventary thereof made and exhibited by this Accomptant remaining upon Recorde in the Regestrye of this Courte
lxxvj li xvj s viij d

Whereof this Accomptant doth praye to be allowed unto her all suche p(ar)ticuler Som(m)es of money as she hath expended satisfied payd and layd out as well about Ordinary and necessary Charges unto her belonging as pay(men)t of the debts of the said deceased and legacyes in the foresaid Testament geven and bequeathed as herafter followeth.

In Primis she prayeth to be allowed unto her all such Charges as she was at about the buryall of the said John Snowe deceased and the Charges thereunto incident w(i)the suche further charge as she was at and bestowed upon the neighbours w(hi)ch accompanyed the sayd deceased to his buryall the Som(me) of

xiij s iiij d

Item payd unto the vicar of Wynslo for a mortuary due unto him by the deathe
of the sayd deceased

vj s viij d

Item payd for the making of the said Testament or last will of the foresaid John Snowe deceased and for the making of the Inventary of his goodes and bestowed upon the praysers therof and the writers for their paynes

xij d

Item payd for the Proveinge of the same will and engrosinge it for engrosinge the said Inventary duplicate for the Apparators fee, for the band entred for her faithfull p(er)formance of the said will and for a proxye in provinge it

xij s xiiij s iiij d

Item she prayeth to be allowed the Som(m)e of vj s viij d w(hi)ch she this Accomptant hath satisfied and payd unto the Churche wardens of Wynslo aforesaid to the use of the poore of the same p(ar)ishe beinge geven and bequeathed unto them by the sayd deceased in his sayd last will and Testament as by the same doth appeare

vj s viij d

Item she asketh allowance of the Sum(m)e of x li iiij s of lawfull money of England w(hi)ch she hath satisfied and payd unto John Snowe one of the sonnes of the said deceased beinge a legacye geven and bequeathed unto him in the foresaid Testament, and also of iiij s thevalue of a land sowen w(i)th wheate likewise bequeathed unto him as by the foresaid Testament and an acquitance bearinge date the xxxth daye of maye in the xljth yeare of the Quenes ma(jes)ties reigne that now is [1599] doth appear
x li iiij s
Item of the Som(m)e of x li of like money w(hi)ch she hath satisfied and paid unto Edward Snowe an other of the sonnes of the same deceased beinge geven and bequeathed unto him in the said Testament, And also of iiij s the value of a land sowen w(i)th wheat likewise bequeathed unto him as by the foresaid Testament and by an Aquitance therof made bearinge date the Third of Aprill in the xliiijth yeare of the reigne of our sov(er)eigne Lady the Queenes ma(jes)tie that now is [1602] doth appeare
x li iiij s
Item of the Sum(m)e of xj li viiij s x li of like money w(hi)ch she hath satisfied and paid unto Elizabeth his one of his daughters geven and bequeathed unto her in the said Testament. And also of iij s iiij d the value of a brasse pott. ij s viij d the value of a kettle, x s the value of thre payre of sheetes, ij s the value of half a dosen of pewter, and x s the value of a cowe bullock, beinge all geven and bequeathed in the foresaid Testament unto the said Elizabeth and so valued in the foresaid Inventary, as by the same Testment and Inventary and by an Acquitance thereof made bearing date the xxth of maye in the xliiijth yeare of the Reigne of the Queenes ma(jes)tie as now is [1602] doth appeare
xj li viij s
Item of the Som(m)e of x li of like money paid unto Alice one other of the daughters of the said deceased geven by him in his saide Testament unto the same Alyce, and also of iij s iiij d the value of a brasse pott, ij s viij d the value of a kettle, x s the value of thre payer of sheetes, ij s the value of half a dosen of pewter and x s the value of a Cowe bullocke beinge all geven and bequeathed unto the said Alyce in the Testament aforesaid and so valued in the said Inventary, as by the same Testament and Inventary, and by an Acquitance therof made
bearinge date the last of September in the xxxixth yeare of the Reigne of the Queenes ma(jes)tie as now is [1597] doth appeare
xj li viij s
Item of the Sum(m)e of iiij s, the value of a land sowen w(i)th wheate, viij li the value of v mares or geldings w(i)th their furniture, iiij li xij s the value of fower Cartes, two payer of shodde wheeles and a payer of bare wheeles, beinge all geven and bequeathed in the foresaid Testament unto Richard an other of the sonnes of the said deceased, and valued accordingly in the foresaid Inventary as by the same Testament and Inventary doth appeare, and satisfied and paid unto the foresaid Richard as by an Acquitance therof made doth likewise appeare
xij li xvj s
[page 2]
Item this Accomptant prayeth to be allowed unto her all suche Charges as she [is now at] about the passinge of this her Account viz for the Processe wherby she is [called thereunto] for the executing thereof and acte of the Courte
v s
Item for the drawinge of this her Accompt in Paper[?] to remayne [upon] Reco[rd in the] Registrye of this Courte
iij s
Item for The [examination] and allowance of this accompte
iij s iiij d
Item for engrossing the accompte [into parchment] to passe under the Seale of the Office
v s
Item for the Quietus est or [letters of] acquitance[?] and Seale of the [Office thereunto] an(n)exed
xiij s x d
Sum(m)a [erogata]
lix li xij s ij d

Soe Remaineth in the handes of this Accomptant the som(m)e xvij[?] li iij s iiij d w(hi)ch she desireth to be allowed unto her by the devise of the foresaid Testament or last will of the said deceased, as by the same more playnely doth appeare and wherunto she referreth her self

[Latin] We James Rolf MA etc., legitimately deputed official, inform everyone by the present documents that on 1 June 1602 at the town of St Albans of the said archidiaconal jurisdiction, the account having been heard and received by us of Catherine Snowe, executrix of the testament or last will of John Snowe, lately while he lived of Shipton in the parish of Wynslow of the aforesaid archidiaconal jurisdiction, her deceased husband, concerning and on the execution of the will of the said deceased and administration of the goods, rights, credits and chattels of the same deceased.  Whereas from this above-written account we have found the said Catherine Snowe well and truly to have administered these goods and to have rendered a true and faithful account of them, therefore we have discharged, acquitted and exonerated Catherine Snowe the executrix, having first been sworn in due form of law on God’s holy gospels concerning  the above in the person of Richard Snowe her son and her legitimate and sufficient proxy, from making any further account, not infringing anyone’s right and provided there is no contest about deceit or fraud in this matter hereafter, and by the present documents we discharge, acquit and exonerate her. 
In testimony of which, given the year, day, month and place aforesaid.
[signed] Thomas Rokett


John Snowe was buried at Winslow on 28 May 1592. He married Katherine Tyrroll on 19 Oct 1564. These appear to be the baptisms of the children mentioned in the will:

The others are missing.

The accounts were presented at St Albans on the same day as those of Thomas Cowper, who also died ten years earlier. Some of the illegible text in the Snow accounts has been restored from the Cowper text.

Inventary: this does not seem to have survived.

Katherine Snow, widow, was buried on 28 June 1619.

Inventory of Katherine Snow, widow, 1619

Herts RO A25/2659

A true Inventorie of the goods of Katherine Snow late of Shipton in the County of Bucks widow, made the xith day of September 1619

Imprimis vij paires of sheets

iij l

Ite(m) money given to Edward Snow
iij l
Item her wearing apparrell
lv s


8 l 15 s

The names of the praysers

John Graunt al(ia)s Miller
William Lownds
John Snow

13o die Septemb 1619

[Administration granted to Richard Snowe her son]