Administration of John Spratley, 1741

Herts RO 178AW31

[f.1]The tenth day of June one thousand seven hundred and forty one. In which Day appeared personally Thomas Spratley of Winslow in the County of Bucks and Benjamin Ingram of the said place and Alleged that John Spratley late of Winslow aforesaid Butcher was Deceased, and that he made no Will so far forth as they know or believe; That he Thomas Spratley was the Elder Brother of the said Deceased, and that he the said Benjamin Ingram was Brother also by the marriage of a sister of the said Deceased, and Desiring Letters of Administration to the said Deceased Did swear that they will faithfully administer the same by the Debts of the said Deceased so far as the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased will Extend and the Law Charge them. That they will make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventary of the same, and a true and just account thereof when they shall be thereunto lawfully Required.

Sworn before John Cole, surrogate

The mark of Thomas Spratley
Benjamin Ingram

[f.2 summarised from pro forma, all in English]

Thomas Spratley of Winslow, cordwainer
Benjamin Ingram of Winslow, jobber
are bound to George Paul, official of the Archdeacon, for £1,000, 10 June 1741

They are the joint administrators of John Spratley of Winslow, butcher. They are to present an inventory by 31 Dec and accounts by 30 June next year.

Signed in the presence of
John Crenor
John Fenn

The mark of Thomas Spratley
Benjamin Ingram


John Spratley was b.1703, son of John Spratley (d.1709), q.v. for more about the family. He was apprenticed to the butcher Thomas Worrall in 1721.