Herts RO 4AR13
In dei No(mi)ne Ame(n) in the yere of o(ur) lord god M vC xxxviij & the xxvjth daye of the moneth of maye I John Spurr of Wy(n)slowe being of hole mynd & god memory make & orden thys my last wyll & testament in maner & forme folowyng first I bequeath my soule to Allmyghtye god to o(ur) lady seynt marye & to all the co(m)peny in hevyne my body to be buryed in the churche yerd of Wynslowe Item to the mother church of seynt Albon ijd Item to the high aulter of the churche of Wynslow before a bushel of barley Item to o(ur) lady aulter a bushel of barley Item to the torches a bushel of barley Item to the bells a bushel of barley Item I wyll my wyff & (Christ)opher my sonne shall have the lesse of the lords myll durynge the terme Item I wyll that my wyff be my sole executrice & all the Resydewe of all my goods I bequethe her halfe my detts & my legacyes paid to dysposse for my soule helth & all crystean soulyes as she shall thynke most expedient & John Smyth & Walter Graunt to be overseers wyttness to the same Wyllya(m) Hobbes curat John Wyndleborow Wyll(iam) Shelton & Ric(hard) Knyght with other mo(re)
[[Probate granted 4 June 1538 to the executrix]
halfe (sic) seems superfluous here