Will of Edward Stutsberie, shoemaker, 1629
Herts RO 71AW22
In the name of god Amen I Edward Stutsbere of Winslowe in the Countie of Bucks Shoomaker, being sick in body but in perfect memorie thankes be given to Allmightie god, do make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following
first I bequeath my soule unto Allmightie god my maker and Creator and to Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer by Whose onely meritts I hope to be saved and my bodye to the earth
Item all my goods & Chattells in whose handes or possession soever they be I give and bequeath unto my mother Em Stutsbery my mother and to Johen Stutsbery my wife whome I do make Executors of this my last will and Testament dated this xth day of march in the year of our lord 1628
Edward Stusberie his marke
Wittnesse hereunto
William Lowndes
Nicho(las) Brinsall
Thomas Stonhill
[Probate 9 June 1629 to Joan Stutsbery executrix]
Inventory of Edward Stutsberie, shoemaker, 1629
Herts RO A25/3024
A true and p(er)fect Inventorie of the goods and Chattells of Edward Stutsberie late of Winslow in the County of Bucks Shoomaker, made the last day of March 1629 by William Spooner, Willia(m) Lownds, Thomas Stonill.
Inprimis in the hall one Cubboard, one table & frame, four stooles
and a chaire & benches |
xxx s |
Ite(m) a fier shovell & tongs, a grydiron, & other implements for the fier | v s |
Ite(m) in the parlour one litle table w(i)th a frame, and a chest |
viij s |
Ite(m) one ioyned bedsteed, and four cushions |
xviij s |
Ite(m) one fetherbed and a flockbed, two bolsters & five pillowes |
xlv s |
Ite(m) one Coverlet and three blankets |
xxv s |
Ite(m) a paire of tables |
ij s |
Ite(m) in the Chamber one bedsteed, a table & frame, one long fourme, and four benches |
xvj s |
Item one Coffer |
xviij d |
Ite(m) five paire and a halfe of sheetes |
xxxv s |
Ite(m) four table clothes, vij napkins, & three pillow-beers |
vij s vj d |
Item three kettles, one pott, and a skellet |
xlv s |
Ite(m) four pewter platters, one bason, three sawcers, & a chamber pot |
x s |
Ite(m) in the butterie one hoggshead & vj barrells, with drinking potts,
a glass case and some shelves |
xxvj s |
Ite(m) three tubbes, five Cyvers, three bucketts, w(i)th other Cooperie Ware |
xvj s |
Ite(m) a hovell with some wood, an axe and a forke |
x s |
Ite(m) his own wearing apparrell |
iiij li |
Ite(m) the remaynder of the lease of his house |
xviij li |
Item in ready money |
iiij li x s |
Sum(m)a |
xlj li xjs |
[Presented 9 June 1629 by Joan Stutsbery widow]
Edward Stutsburie was buried on 28 March 1629. His parents were Thomas Stutsburie and Emma Davers, nee Lunt, who married in 1590. Edward was baptised on 9 Aug 1600. His wife was Joan Edmunds (d.1686), who later married Thomas Kirby, another shoemaker.