Will of Edward Stuttesbery, shoemaker, 1591 (proved 1592)

Herts RO 7AR147

In the name of God Amen The Thirde daye of November in the yeare of our Lorde 1591 and in the xxxiijth yeare of the Reigne of o(ur) sov(er)eigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of England Fraunce and Ireland, defender of the Fayth &c I Edwarde Stuttesbery of Wynslowe in the Countye of Buck' shoemaker beinge weake in body but of whole mynde and p(er)fett Remembrance thanks be to god do make this my last will and Testament in maner and forme followinge That is to saye First I bequeath my Sowle unto Almyghty god my maker and Redemer, and my body to be buryed in the churcheyarde of Wynslowe aforesaid. Item I geve to the poore people of Wynslowe iij s iiij d Item I geve to the mother Churche of St Albons ij d Item I geve to Margaret my daughter two payers of shetes and one Tableclothe Item I geve to every godchilde wh(ich) I have ij d Item I geve and bequeathe unto Johane my daughter vj peces of pewter one payer of Shetes one kettle and a Table Item I geve and bequeathe unto Johane my wyfe all the Ready money w(hi)ch I now have All the Residue of my goodes Cattells Chattells Leases and Implements of howsholde whatsoever I geve and bequeathe unto the said Johane my wyfe and to Thomas my sonne whom I make my Executors savinge that I geve to the said Johane my daughter xl s in money to be payd by my Executors wherof xx s to be payd to her within thre monethes after [my decease and the remainder] in a yeare and a quarter after my decease And I make and ordeyne Thomas Overinge and Robert Lownes Overseers of this my will, desiringe them to see the same duly executed And in Witnes of the premisses I the said Edward Stuttesbery have herunto set my hand the daye and yeare abovesaid The marke of the said Edward witnesses herof Will(ia)m Micell[?] William[?] Lownes Thomas Overinge and John Jeffes

[Probate granted at St Albans 18 Feb 1591/2 to Jane Stuttesbery, widow]

Inventory of Edward Stuttesburye, 1591/2

The Inventarie of the goods chattels and debts of Edward Stuttesburye in the countie of Bucks Shoemaker decesed in Winslowe taken & prysed the xth daye of February in the yeare of our lord god 1591 by Mr Peter Fige Robert Lownes John Jackson and Gilbert Stuttesburie

In the hall
Imp(r)im(is) ij cubbordes ij tabl(e)s w(i)th tresses iij cheyres vj stoles j forme w(i)th ye paynted clothes
xxx s
It(em) ij payre of handyrons ij payre of pothangings ij spitts a fire shovell a payre of tongs, a payre of bellowes a grydyron & a hatchet v s
It(em) a dose(n) of platters w(i)th other peces of pewter
xxv s
It(em) iiij kettles ij brasse potts w(i)th other brasse
xxv s
In the kitchen
It(em) a bowltinge whutch iij kevers w(i)th tubbes & other cowperyeware
xv s
In the chamber
It(em) a table w(i)th tresses a forme a bench w(i)th vij quysshions & ij coffers &
paynted clothes
xij s
It(em) a standinge bedd one fetherbede matterys ij bolsters ij Pillowes j blanket iiij coverings l s
In the butrie
It(em) stone juggs and disshes xviij d
In the loft
It(em) ij bedsteds ij formes j table ij cov(er)ings ij Pillowes x s
It(em) ix payre of sheets vj table clothes iij Pillowbers w(i)th other small linne(n)
xxx s
It(em) his apparel
xx s
It(em) wood bords and hurdles
xxx s
It(em) one acre of wheate
x s
It(em) a cowe and a bullock & ij pigs
xxxiij s
It(em) in money
x s
It(em) ij flytches of Baco(n)
vj s vj d
Summa Totalis xv li

[Inventory presented by Thomas Stuttesbery executor on 18 Feb 1591/2.]


Edward Stutsburie was buried at Winslow on 11 Feb 1591/2, and Joan Stutsburie widow on 10 Feb 1597/8. Their daughter Margaret probably married Thomas Overinge on 1 Sep 1586 (reading of the name uncertain).


Copyright 16 August, 2012