Will of James Todd, carpenter and joiner, 1837 (proved 1838 and 1841)
National Archives, PROB 11/1949/424
This is the last Will and Testament of me James Todd of Winslow in the County of Buckingham carpenter and joiner I direct all my just debts funeral and Testamentary charges and expences to be in the first place duly paid and satisfied I give and bequeath all my working tools and chest to my two Sons John Todd and James Todd to be equally divided between them and as to all and singular any ready money debts to me owing and securities for money household goods furniture stock in trade not hereinbefore bequeathed I give and bequeath the same unto and to the use of my dear Wife Sarah Todd and during the term of her natural life in case she remains my Widow but not otherwise and for and immediately after the decease or second marriage of my said Wife I give and bequeath my said personal effects and every part thereof in a manner following that is to say the whole of my plate and linen to be equally divided between my two daughters Elizabeth Todd and Sarah Ann Todd and the other or remaining property one third to the said Elizabeth Todd and one third to the said Sarah Ann Todd the remaining third to be divided equally between my said sons John Todd and James Todd and constitute and appoint my two friends Mr Daniel Grace and Mr George Cross both of Winsow Executors of this my Will and \it is my will and/ desire that they shall cause and [sic] Inventory of my said effects to be taken as soon as conveniently may be after my decease and I also will and desire that my said Executors shall be answerable and accountable for their own acts deeds and receipts only and not for the acts deeds or receipts of the other of them and that they shall be allowed all their reasonable charges and expences attending the execution of this my Will and I revoke all former Wills In witness whereof I the said James Todd the Testator have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty first day of February in the year of my blessed saviour and Redeemer one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven
James Todd
Signed sealed published and declared by the said James Todd the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses
James Morgan Thomas Burgess
Whereas I James Todd the elder of the parish of Winslow in the County of Buckingham Gave made and executed my last Will and Testament in writing bearing date February 21st. 1837 now I do hereby ratify the said Will adding thereto this Codicil as part thereof that my stock of Timber and all other materials useful in trade be valued and that my Son James Todd be allowed to take to the same on giving sufficient security to the said Executors for the payment of the same with Interest until the same be paid Also that the said James Todd be allowed to have the use of the shop yard and all outbuildings (except the Brewhouse and Warehouse over the same) for the sum of four shillings per week to be paid to his Mother Sarah Todd and that the said Sarah Todd continue the business of Upholsterer and sale of Goods for the benefit of herself and daughters Elizabeth Todd and Sarah Ann Todd also the profits arising from sheep pens to be for the benefit of the said Sarah Todd to which I have hereunto set my hand this twenty seventh day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven
James Todd
Signed sealed in the presence of us
William Seaton James Morgan
Proved at London with a Codicil 28th July 1841 before the Judge by the oaths of Daniel Grace and George Cross the ex(ecut)ors to whom adm(inistrati)on was granted having been first sworn by com(missi)on duly to administer
This will was also proved in the Archdeaconry of St Albans on 6 March 1838, with personal estate sworn under £450 (Herts RO 274AW6). It had to be proved again at the PCC when it was found that he had property in more than one diocese.
James Todd married Sarah Oldfield, both of Winslow, in 1797. James died on 6 Sep 1837 and Sarah the widow died in the first quarter of 1841. He seems to have lived at 11 Sheep Street (hence the reference to sheep pens), which was subsequently run by his daughters as a girls' school before they moved next door to Brook Hall in 1842. The stock was advertised for sale in the Bucks Herald, 10 June 1839, perhaps because of the school being started:
Modern Household Furniture,
Dudley & Son,
On WEDNESDAY next, the 12th of June, 1839, on the Premises of Mr. James Todd, Cabinet-maker, at Winslow, Bucks, by Direction of the Trustees of the late Mr. Todd.
COMPRISING camp and stump bedsteads, flock bed, mattress, blankets, sheets, quilts, handsome painted wash-hand stand, dressing tables, swing glass in mahogany frame, 6 cane-seated chairs, 2 elbow ditto to match, Windsor chairs, mahogany table on pillar and claw, Pembroke ditto, oak folding and round tables, floor carpet, 12ft by 9, fender and fire irons, glass and earthenware.
The Stock in Trade Comprises
Oak and elm planks, 31 elm coffin boards, 3 four inch oak planks, 1 three inch ditto, 4 oak butts (about 40 feet), 1 elm ditto, 2 white deal planks, 21 feet long, 4 yellow deal ditto 21 feet long, 170 feet of 1½ inch deal boards, 176 feet of 1¼ inch ditto, 290 feet of 1 inch ditto, 460 feet of ¾ inch ditto, 200 feet of ½ ditto, 190 feet of 5-8 ditto, quantity of very useful sawed stuff, 40 feet of 1 inch Mahogany, 6 feet of 2 ½ inch ditto, 33 feet of ½ inch ditto, 19 feet of ¾ inch ditto, 25 feet of ½ inch oak, 42 feet of 1 inch ditto, 1 oak plank, 2 elm planks, 1 ash, sundry sawed stuff, excellent grindstone and stand,
Stock of Ironmongery,
Coffin Furniture, 8 bells and cranks, new deal counter with mahogany top and flap, and return counter, large quantity of working tools and effects.
The Stock will be Lotted for the convenience of the Trade.
The Sale will commence with the Household Furniture at Eleven o’Clock.