Will of Richard Tomlyne of Shipton, 1538
Herts RO 4AR13
In dei No(m)i(n)e amen the xxiij daye of maij in the yere of o(ur) lord god M vC xxxviij I Ric(hard) Tomlyne of Shypton in the p(ar)yshe of Wy(n)slow beyng of p(er)fyght mynd & good remembrance make & orden my last wyll & testament in maner & forme folowynge Fyrst I bequethe my soule to allmyghti god to o(ur) ladye seynt marye & to all the co(m)peny in hevyn my bodye to be buryed in the churche yard of Wynslow be fore seyd Item I bequethe to the hyghe aulter ther a busshell of malt. Item to ev(er)y aulter in the Churche a bushell of barley. Item to the sepulcre ij bushells of malt. Item to the bells Item to the ij bushells of malt. Item to Jone my doughter An heyffeyr & a calf & all the p(ro)fetts growyng or comyng of the same Item to the seyd Jone vj shepe & ij lambis Item yff the seyd Jone decesse before she be of lawfull age than I wyll that all the legacyes to her bequethyd Remayne to the chyld that my wyff is nowe grett w(ith) all & yff that chylde decess than I wyll hytt shall Remayne to Maryo(n) my wyff. Item to ev(er)y of my seyd chylders half a q(uar)ter of whett & half a q(uar)ter of malt Item to every of my godchyldre an Ewe & on lamb The Resydewe of all my goods my detts payed & this my wyll fulfyllyd I gyve & bequethe to Maryo(n) my wyff The whyche I make & orden my lawfull & sole executre she to do for my soule as she shall thynke most expedyent and the oversears of this my testament I make & orden Wylly(a)m Thomlyne & Water Grant Thes beynge wytness S(ir) Wyllyam Hobbis Thomas Elyott Ric(hard) Snowe Thomas Cop(er) w(i)th other moo.
[Probate granted 12 July 1538 to the executrix]