Will of Thomas Tomlyn, 1537 (proved 1538)

Herts RO 4AR11

In the Name of gode ame(n) the xiijth daye of the moneth of Decemb(e)r in the yere of o(ur) lord god M  vC xxxvijth I Thomas Tomlyne of Wynslowe hole of mynd & good remebrance thankyd be god make my testame(n)t & last wyll in maner & forme folowyng  fyrst I bequethe my soule to almyghti god to o(ur) lady seynt mary & to all the co(m)peny in hevyn.  my body to be buryed in the churche yard of Wynslowe  Item I bequethe to the hyghe aulter of Wynslow a bushell of malt & to ev(er)y other aulter in the churche a bushell of barley  Item to the Rode lyght a bushell of barley  Item to the bells a bushell of barley  Item I wyll that Julya(nn) my wyff shalhave & injoye all my teneaments londs medows & pasturis wi(th) all ther ap(per)tenancs beyng & lyeng w(ith)in the Towne and fyldes of Wynslowe beforeseyd duryng her naturall lyff and after her decesse whether she mary or nott marye any thyng had or made to the co(n)trary nott w(ith)stondyng she causyng e(ver)y yere half a tre(n)tall of massis to be seyd in Wynslow churche duryng her naturall lyff and after hur decesse all the lands teneaments medows & pasturis a bove rehersyd I wyll shall remayne to John Tomlyn the son of Thomas Tomlyn of Grenbouro(u)gh late decessyd & to the Eyre male of the seyd John for ev(er): he or his Eyris causynge e(ve)ry a trentall of mass(is) to be seyd in Wynslow church for my soule & all crystean soulis & yff all the Eyre males of the seyd John fortune to dye then I wyll hytt returne to Thomas Tomlyn of Shypton & to his Eyre male for ev(er) & he or them to cause a tre(n)tall of mass(is)  to be seyd as above is expressyd ev(er)y yere fo ev(er) more and yff the seyd Thomas Tomlyn fortune to dye & his eyris  Then I wyll hytt shall goo to the next Tomlyns of my kynne that shalbe left a lyve and yff all fortune to dye: that ther be no(ne) Eyre malys of Tomlyns of my kynne left a lyve Then I wyll that hytt be solde bie the churche wardens of Wynslow & a prest to synge iij yeris for my soule & all crystean soulis in Wynslow churche & the Rest of the money to goo to the churche above namyd  Item I wyll that Julyan(n) my wyff shall make or cause to be made a tapre of iij li wexe[?] yerly durynge hur lyff to burne before the sacraments the {the} hyghe mass tyme co(n)tynewally thorowott the hole yere & also to burne daye & nyght frome good frydaye att servis unto Ester daye that hygh mass be done & for the may(n)tea(n)ce of the seyd tapre  I wyll that suche a plott of my close from the hyghe weye to the dyche to s(er)ve for the may(n)tena(n)ce of the seyd tapre & my wyff to have the seyd plott durynge her lyff kepynge the seyd tapre delynge ev(er)y good frydaye to pore pe(o)ple durynge her lyff xij d & after her decesse I wyll that John Tomlyn & the eyris a bove namyd shalhave hytt yeldynge & payenge for hytt ev(er)y yere as & myche as any other wyll & the overplusse above the tapre found I wyll hyt shalbe delt ev(er)y good frydaye for ev(er) more amonge the pore pe(o)ple and the churche wardens to have ev(er)y yere iij d of the seyd money to se the rest delt and yff the p(ar)tis a bove namyd wyll nott do hytt or cause hytt to be don  Then I wyll the churche wardens of Wynslow shalhave the seyd plott to maynten the tapre & to deale the Rest of the money before expressyd  Item I wyll that Robert Tomlyns of Wynslowe shalhave my shoppe in the bocher Rowe to hyme & to hys heyris for ev(er)  Item I wyll to my suster Agnes Caper & to her eyris for ev(er) iij half acres of Arable land: on half acre lyeth shotynge ayenst the Wynmyll next to Wyllya(m) Tomlyn of Shypton ij yards lyeth in the Flett next the long lond of this housse & an other half acre lyethe next Thomas Horne Lane of Horne Brache  The Rest of all my goods my detts payd bothe movable & unmovable above nott bequethyd after my body be browght to the grownd & my wyll fulfyllyd I gyve to Julya(nn) my wyff whom I make my sole executrix  Item  I wyll that Robert Brewster & John Wendylborough be overseers to se that this my last wyll & testament be fulfyllyd & they to have iij s iiij d apece  wytness to this same Wyllyam Shepard my gostly father Robert Brewster Johannes Spurr John Wendleborough John George John Turner w(ith) other moo etc.


tapre = taper: originally, a wax candle (OED)

Horne Brache = Hornebleche in the medieval Manor Court Books. Henry Thomlyns, clerk, acquired a half-acre there in 1451.

Copyright 12 May, 2012