Will of Thomas Tomlyn of Shipton, husbandman, 1562
Herts RO 5AW16
Some of the will is damaged on the right-hand side. Herts RO holds another copy which might resolve some of the problems in the text. Line-breaks have been preserved below.
In the name of God Amen. The seconde daye of Septembre
yn the yere of o(ur) lorde god 1562 & yn the fourth yere of the
reigne of o(ur) soveraigne lady Quene Elizabeth I [Thomas]
Tomlyn of Shipton yn the p(ar)ishe of Winslow & yn the
Countie off Bucks husbanman beinge sycke yn body but of
good & p(er)fytt memorye (thanks be unto god) make this
my last will and testame(n)t yn maner and forme folowynge
Fyrst I bequethe my soule to allmightie god my maker
and onely redem(er), my body to be buryed yn the churche
porche of Winslowe. Item I gyve and bequeth to my
[mo]ther Jone Tomlyn yerlye duringe the terme off ten yeres
eight shillings of good & lawfull monye of England. It[em]
I gyve and bequeth to my brother Rycharde Tomlyn yerlye
duringe the terme off twelve yeres vj s viij d Item I gyve
to every s(er)vant of myne an ewe a pece. Item I gyve
to John Harrys my sisters sonne a ewe. Item I gyve
to Willam Grace the ij browne[?] and tagged bullocks for
those two same[?] w(hich) he brought unto me at his fyrst [-----]
And wheras I receavyd of his stocke vij li Beit k[nown]
[that] my mother Jone Tomlyn had therof xlvj s viij d
[& G]eorg[e] Godfrey xxv s toward the nursyinge of John
Grace childe and I my selff paide for the nursy[ng]e of
[the] same[?] childe to Jone Hogson xiij s iiij d to [Robert?]
Webbe for weavinge xx d & to mr May Commissary & to
[the?] Regester for certayne wrytings xj s so there are
[------] as yet of the stocke to be aunswered xliij s iiij d
Also I give to the saide William Grace for a horse that
I broght of hym xxx s allso to the same for wood iij s iiij d
[all] w(hich) Sommes of mony I will my executrycs to paye
to the saide Willam Grace, and ov(er) & besyde that, I gyve
to the same Willam ij ewes & ij lambes of the mydle
sorte ov(er) and besyde ye ewe that I gave hym before
[----] one off my [-----]s Item I give to ye [repairing]
[page 2]
of the hye wayes vj s viij d and towards the mayntenaunce [of]
the bells iij s iiij d Item I gyve to the pov(er)tie of Adst[ock]
xij d and to the pov(er)tie of Winslowe & Shipton a q[uarter]
of barley Item I gyve to my brothers at Adstocke m[y best?]
rayme(n)t. Now for the dispocition of my how[ses] & lands
I will and bequeth all those howses and lands w(hich) I
have now yn Shipton and Winslow [deletion] \parryshe/ to [my] dowgh[ter]
Agnes when she come to the yeres \age/ of xviijten \yeres/ yn the
meane season I will my wyff Alys quiettly and
peaceably to enyoye the same howses and land[s ma-]
kinge no wast on the grounde and kepinge reparac[ion]
and she to be the only tutors of my d[aughter to]
se her well browght uppe as my trust ys in her
And after that my dawghter Agnes shall accomplish
the full age of xviijten years then she to entre up[pon]
the said howses and lands, payinge to my wyffe
Alys duringe her naturall lyff owt of the saide
howses & lands yerly xx s. And yff it shall
happen my dawghter Agnes to dye before she ac[com-]
plyshe the full age of xviijtenyeres it I will [that]
my wyff shall peaceably enyoye those yeres w(hich) [other-]
wyse she shoulde have enyoyed yff my dawghter
had lyved And yff it shall happen my saide
dawghter Agnes to dye with owt yssue of her body
lawfully begotten after that she shall accomplishe her
xviijten yeres, then I will my howses and lands
to remayne to my brother Willam Tomlyn & to h[is]
heires, payinge (as ys aforsaide) to my wyffe Alys
duringe her naturall lyffe xx s owt of the said
howses and lands. The resydue of all my goods
[page 3]
moveable and unmoveable I gyve and bequeth to Alys my
wyffe and Agnes my dawghter whome I make my exe-
cutryces to se this my last will & testame(n)t p(er)formed &
kept and my detts and legacs payed. Ov(er)sears of
this my last will and testame(n)t I make my father yn
lawe Thomas Deverell Rob(er)t Elyatt Richard Edmunds
and my brother Wyllam Tomlyn the saide Thomas De[ve]
rell Rob(er)t Elyatt, Willam Tomlyn to have for there
paines v s apece and the saide Richarde Edmonds
to hav vj s viij d These beinge witnesses Thomas
Deverell Rychard Sno Wyllam Glenister Rob(er)t Elyatt
Rycharde Edmonds Jone Tomlyn w(i)th others
[Latin] Probatum est vicesimo primo die
Septembris anno domini millesimo quinqag’
sexagesimo secundo coram magistro
Davide Kempe Archidiacono &c Jura-
mento Alicie unius executricis &c ac
per eum approbatum &c commissaque fuit
administratio &c prefate Alicie &c
Primitus de bene &c ac de pleno
Inventario &c et idem &c [------]
de compoto reddendo &c Reservata
potestate &c Agneti alteri &c
ad fac’ in [---]novitate &c cum &c
Salvo Jure cuiuscumque &c
Ex(hibi)tu(m)[?] est Inv[entarium][?]
[signed] J Easte[?]
[translation] It was proved on 22 September 1562 before Master David Kempe, archdeacon etc., on the oath of Alice, one of the executrices etc., and approved by him, etc., and administration was entrusted etc. to the aforesaid Alice etc, first concerning well etc. and concerning a full inventory etc. and the same etc..... concerning rendering an account etc., reserving power etc. to Agnes the other etc., to make in ... newness(?) etc when etc., not infringing anyone’s right etc. The inventory was presented(?).
Inventory of Thomas Tomlyn, 1562
Herts RO A25/525
The Inventory off all the goods, that Thomas Tomlyn late of Shipton yn ye p(ar)ishe off Winslowe Departed there to God the second daye of Septembre yn ye yere of o(u)r lorde God, 1562 had att the tyme off his deathe; p(ri)sed by Richard Edmonds John Graunte Richard Sno Rob(er)t Elyatt Anthony Wendelborow, Wyllam Glenist(er) w(it)h other mo(re).
Chamber | |
In primis ij standinge bedsteads | vj s viij d |
Item ij fetherbeds ij bolsters | xxvj s viij d |
Item iij matterys w(i)th three bolstars | x s |
Ite(m) iij cov(er)letts iiij blankets | xxvi s viij d |
Item vj pillows & v pillowbers | vi s viij d |
Item xvjten paryes of shetes | xl s |
Item viij table napkins ij towells iiij table clothes & a carpet | vj s viij d |
Item a frynge for a bed and the paynted clothes about the howse | vj s viij d |
Item iiij Cofers & a cradle | vj s viij d |
Item a Fosser | viij d |
Item ij boarded bedsteads, a truclebed | ij s |
Item his wearing apparel | xx s |
S(um)ma vij li xix s iiij d |
Haule | |
In primis ij tables, ij formes iij cheres, iij stoules, a bench boarde | xiij s iiij d |
Item ij Cubbords | vj s viij d |
Item xvten platters, xixten dyshes | xx s |
Item x sawcers, iij saltcellers | v s |
Item iiij Candellstyks | ij s |
S(um)ma xlvij s |
Kytchyn | |
In primis iiij brasse potts ij posnetts | vi s viij d |
Item a brasse pan, iiij kettles | xiij s iiij d |
Item ij Grydyrons, ij pottehokes, a tryvett a fryingpan a gospan | ij s |
Item ij yron racks, ij Spytts | xvj d |
S(um)ma xxxij s iiij d |
Buttery | |
In primis a vate iij barrells a tubbe | iij s |
Ite(m) a cherne iij boketts x dyshes & a dosen and halfe of trenchers | xx d |
Item a dosen and halfe of spones | vj d |
S(um)ma v s ij d |
Bake howse | |
In primis a yowtinge vate | ij s iiij d |
Item a Querne | iiij s iiij d |
Item a Fane, a bushell & chafingdyshe | xx d |
Item a berlepe ij scottells iij syves | xx d |
Item ij woollen wheales a lynne(n) wheale | xx d |
S(um)ma xj s viii d |
Yearde | |
In primis tymber and fyre wood | xiij s iiij d |
Item a Shodde carte | xxx s |
Item ij dongecarts | x s |
Item ploughe & ploughe gere and carte & carte gere | xiij s iiij d |
Item the haye | xl s |
Item the Barley | vj li xiij s iiij d |
Item wheate and Rye | iij li vj s viij d |
Item the Otes | x s |
Item Beanes and pease | iij li |
Item iiij horse ij mares, ij coltes | x li |
Item v Steeres | viij li |
Item xiiij keyne | xiij li |
Item v Bullokes, iiij calves | iij li |
Item Cxl shepe | xxj li |
Item lx lambes | vj li |
Item xj hogs vij pyggs | xl s |
Item the powltry | iij s iiij d |
Item the woole of Cxl shepe | vj li xiij s iiij d |
Item v yro[? or yoo] harrowes | v s |
Item ij old sythes | ij s |
Item an yron rake | xij d |
Item forkes and rakes | xvj d |
Item ij yron wedges, ij dongeforks, ij axyes and a hatchet | ij s vj d |
Item iiij bottells and a ladder | xvj d |
Item iiij stockes off bees | iiij s viij d |
Ite(m) iiij steue potts w(i)th other dringking[?] | xvj d |
S(um)ma xcj li xij s vj d |
S(um)ma totalis Ciii li xix s |
[Latin] Exhibitum per Aliciam executricem vicesimo primo die Septembris anno domini 1562 pro vero et integro Inventario omnium et singulorum bonorum Jurium et creditorum suprascripti Thome defuncti in virtute Juramenti alias per eam prestiti
[translation] Presented by Alice the executrix on 21 September 1562 as a true and full inventory of all and singular the goods, rights and credits of the above-written Thomas, deceased, by virtue of an oath previously taken by her.
John Grace was Thomas' brother-in-law according to the will of his father William Tomlyn.
Agnes Tomlyn, probably Thomas' daughter, was buried at Winslow on 3 May 1563. Thomas' brother William who then got the reversion of the property is not clearly mentioned in their father's will but must be the "William Yonge" included at the end.
Fosser = forcer: a chest, coffer or casket (OED).
posnet: A small three legged metal cooking pot (Buckinghamshire Probate Inventories 1661-1714).
tryvett: A stand for a pot, kettle, or other vessel placed over a fire for cooking or heating something. (OED, trivet, n.1b).
gospan = goose-pan: a large stew-pan (OED).
yowtinge vate = yoting vat, for soaking (OED, s.v. yote, v. - primarily used in W and SW England).
Querne = quern: A simple, typically hand-operated, device for grinding corn, etc (OED).
chafingdyshe = chafing-dish: A vessel to hold burning charcoal or other fuel, for heating anything placed upon it. (OED).
berlepe: a carrying-basket (OED, s.v. bearleap).
scottells = scuttle: a basket for sieving or winnowing corn, or a large shovel (OED, s.v. scuttle, n.1.2a).
wheales, i.e. spinning wheeles.