Will of William Tomlyn the elder, husbandman, 1587
Herts RO 7AR118
In the name of God Amen I William Tomlyn the elder of the parisshe of Wynslo in the Cowntye of Buck husbandman do make this my last Will and Testament in maner and forme following. First I bequeathe my Soule into the hands of Almighty god my maker and redemer, and my body to be buryed in the Churcheyarde of Wynslo. Item I geve unto my sonne Will(ia)m Tomlyn all that my croppe that I have of one Mr Will(ia)m Pigott to halfes of the land that I have sowen for my parte that is to saye viij Roodes that is of wheate v and iij of barley and viij lands of pease. Item I geve to my sonne Kyrbye one land of wheate of that parte of Mr Pigotts grounde lyeinge at the upper ende of Hollowe furlonge the best of them and one halfe one of peasen at Whyte leayes. Item I geve unto my sonne Will(ia)m one bullock. Item to him the best brasse pott. Item I geve to my daughter Anne the Somme of x li at the daye of her mariage. I geve to her also a hecford of a yeare olde. And also I geve her a brasse pott. item I geve to Thomas Grau(n)te my sonne Two Butts of barley lyeinge upon Rye furlong. Item I geve to Jone Grau(n)te a sheepe and Walter Grau(n)te a shepe and to Thomas Grau(n)te a shepe. Item I geve to Amye Geynt [?Ann Graunt] a payer of good sheetes. Item I geve to the Church of Wynslo vj s viij d Item I geve to the poore of Wynslo iij s iiij d. Item I make Jone my wyfe my full Executrix of this my last Will and Testament. I make my Overseers John Shelton and Rob(er)t Capper, and I geve them for their paynes viijd a pece. In Witness of this my last Will I sett to my hand the xvijth daye of June 1587. William Tomlyns marke. Witness hereof Thomas Grau(n)te and Robert Daunce with others.
[Latin] Probatum fuit huiusmodi Testamentum apud villam divi Albani Coram Magistro Rogero Williams sacre theologie bach’ Officiale domini Archidiaconi divi Albani Septimo die mensis Julij Anno domini 1587 ac per eundem Officialem approbatum &c proque viribus et valore eiusdem legitime pronunciatum &c. Commissaque fuit Administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum iurium Creditorum et Catallorum dicti defuncti Joanne Tomlyn eius relicte et Executrici in huiusmodi Testamento nominate. de bene et fideliter &c ac de vero Inventario omnium &c conficiend ac illud in Registrum Curie dicti domini Archidiaconi exhibendo deque fideli Computo Calculo sive ratiocinio in hac parte reddendo ad Sancta dei Evangelia in persona Willelmi Tomlyn filii sui legitimi et sufficientis procuratoris sui primitus in debita iuris forma iurat’ &c. Salvo iure &c.
[translation] This will was proved at the town of St Albans before Master Roger Williams, bachelor of theology, official of the Lord Archdeacon of St Albans, on 7 July 1587, and approved by the same official etc., and pronounced legitimate for its force and validity. And administration of all and singular the goods, rights, credits and chattels of the said deceased was entrusted to Joan Tomlyn his widow and executrix named in this will. For well and truly etc., and for completing a true inventory of all etc. and presenting it to the register of the court of the said Lord Archdeacon, and for rendering a faithful account, calculation or reckoning in this matter, she was first sworn in due form of law on God's holy Gospels in the person of William Tomlyn, her son and legitimate and sufficient proxy. Not infringing the right, etc.
This appears NOT to be the William Tomlyn of Shipton for whom an inventory was compiled in 1588/9, as the latter had an administrator not an executor. The will has been transcribed from the copy in the St Albans register.
William Tomlyn the elder was buried on 24 June 1587. His widow Joan (see below for her will) was buried on 3 Aug 1592. Their children mentioned in the wills were (details are uncertain because there were several Tomlyn families):
- William (?bap.1561); father of Thomas (bap.1589) and William (bap.1590) Tomlyn
- Alice (see her inventory and accounts) married John Curbye ("my sonne Kyrbye", d.1609; see his will) at Winslow on 13 Oct 1572; parents of Thomas (bap.1573) and Walter (bap.1575) Kirby
- ? m. Thomas Grant (see the will which is possibly his); parents of Joan, Walter (?bap.1584), Thomas (?bap.1585) and Ann (bap.1589) Grant [it is also possible that Thomas Grant was Joan Tomlyn's son from a previous marriage]
- Ann (?bap.1564) m.1590 Nicholas Overing; parents of Ann (bap.1592)
Inventory of William Tomlyn the elder, yeoman, 1587
Herts RO A25 1291
There are numerous holes in the middle of the document.
The True and perfitt Inventary of all and singular the goods debts and Cattells of William Tomlyn the elder late of Wynslo in the Cowntye of Bucks yeoman deceased made and praysed the last daye of June 1587 by William Pigott Robert Mychell John Shelton and J[ohn Tom]lyn
I[n primis - - - - - - ] | xx s |
Item [ - - - - - - ] | viij li |
Item Sixe kyen and thre bullockes | xij li vj s viij d |
Item Sixe horses | v li xiij s iiij d |
Item Sixe hogges [ - - - - - - ]ges | xx s |
Item [ - - - - - - ] | xxx s |
Item fyve [ - - - - - - ] one swarme | xv s |
Item Eight acres of wheate and Rye | v li vj s viij d |
Item Eight acres of b[arley] | iiij li |
Item Eleven acres [of peas and] beanes | v li x s |
Item a longe Carte and a dung Carte | xxvj s viij d |
Item certeyne harnesse for horses | iij s iiij d |
Item two Fetherb[eddes - - - ] mattresses | xl s |
Item sixtene payer of sheetes | iij li iiij s |
Item fower Coverletts and fower blancketts | xxx s |
Item fower feth[er mattresses?] | xiij s iiij d |
Item two pillowes of Fethers | ij s |
Item thre Table clothes, three towells and a dosen of napkynnes | xviij s |
Item thre bra[ss - - - - - - ] | xv s |
Item thre kettles and two pannes | x s |
Item two payer of pothooks and a payer of pothanginges | xvj d |
Item a dosen saw[cers - - - - ] platters | xviij s |
Item half a dosen of dishes and sixe sawcers of pewter | iij s |
Item fower Can[dlesticks? a]nd a Chafinge disshe | xx d |
Item a Table a payer of Tressells two Formes and two stooles | v s |
Item a Cupborde [ - - - - ] Cofers | xiij s iiij d |
Item thre bourded bedstedes | iij s |
Item a malt myll | v s |
Item a Trowgh [ - - - t]ubbes, two kevers and fower bolles | vij s |
Item Two dosen of trenchers | iiij d |
Item a ploughe and [ - - - - ]er of harrowes | v s |
Summa Totalis |
lix li vj s viij d |
[Latin] Sigillum Willelmi Thomlyn procuratoris Joanne Tomlyn Executricis
Exhibitum fuit huiusmodi Inventarium Septimo die mensis Julij A[nno Domin]i 1587 per Willelmum Tomlyn filium dicti defuncti legitimum et sufficientem procuratorem Joanne Tomlyn vidue relicte eiusdem defuncti et Executricis pro vero pleno et integro sub protestacione de addendo si & c
[signed] Tho Rokitt officialis[?]
[translation] Seal of William Thomlyn, proxy of Joan Tomlyn executrix.
This inventory was presented on 7 July 1587 by William Tomlyn son of the said deceased, legitimate and sufficient proxy of Joan Tomlyn, widow of the same deceased and executrix, as true, full and entire, with a condition of adding if, etc.
Will of Joan Tomlyn, widow, 1592 (proved 1593)
LMA, DL/C/359/1
[Latin] The Sixth day of May in the 34th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth, the year of our Lord 1592. [English] Joane Tomlyn of Winslowe in the Countie of Buck widdow giveth to Walter Graunte; Thomas Graunte and Anne Graunte children of Thomas Graunte two lands of wheate and one land of beanes to be equallie devided amongst them whereof two landes of wheate lie togither upon Hawkeslowe and the sayd Land of beanes lieth upon Astmeade in the fields of Winslowe Item the sayd Joane giveth to Thomas Kirbye and Walter Kirbie one land of wheate lying upon Rie furlonge next to the towne viz. the homermost land of the thre there And one land of beanes lying one [sic] Astmead westward to be equallie devided betwene them and to the wiffe of John Kirbye halfe a quarter of malte Item the sayd Joane giveth to Nicholas Overinge one Land of barlie lying upon Rye furlonge and one Land of beanes lying upon Bradford furlong one cowe of coulor red hawked one quarter of malte and halfe a quarter of wheate and one coverlett and one Coffer. And to Anne Overing daughter of the sayd Nicholls [sic] three ewes and lambes and three teggs and one brasse kettle, and two possnetts; and to the poore people of Winslowe vj s viij d and to the Church there vj s viij d Item the sayd Joane giveth to Thomas Tomlyn and William Tomlyn sonnes of William Tomlyn one Land of wheate upon Rie furlonge, and one land of beanes lying upon Bradford furlonge Item the sayd Joane giveth to William Tomlyn her sonne All the residue of her goodes and cattells corne graine and implements of houshold
a true coppie examined by me William Nicholls.
[Probate: 22 May 1593 Administration of the goods, rights, credits and chattels of Joan Tomlyn, while she lived of Winslowe, Bucks, diocese of London, deceased, widow, was granted to William Tomlyn her natural and legitimate son in the person of William Mansfeild, notary public, his proctor in this matter.]