Will of John Wayne, poulter, 1460/1

Herts RO 1AR100

[translated from Latin]

In, etc. A.D. 1460 I John Wayn of Wynselowe pulter in the county of Buk', sound of mind but sick in body, make my will, etc. First I bequeath and commend my soul to God etc., and my body to be buried in the churchyard of the blessed Mary of Watford. Item I bequeath to the high altar and to God for my heriot [h(er)iecta] my best horse namely Blakbay, and to the clerks of the same church to each of them 4d for their labour. Item I bequeath to the high altar of Wynselowe 12d for (tithes) forgotten. Item I bequeath to the light of the blessed Mary 12d to restore [relave(n)d'] and keep it with the help of the faithful. Item I wish that my wife should keep my father and his wife to the end of the life of the same for charity's sake. And I wish that my wife should be my executrix in everything. And the residue indeed of my goods I wish that she should dispose for my soul as seems best to her. Given at Watford on Candlemas [2 Feb] the year, day and place stated above. In whose, etc.

[Probate 7 March]


John Wayne took a cottage and 20 acres of land from William Jankyn in 1460 (WMCB p.708). He and his wife Alice took a grange in the market place from William Newman alias Kiot in 1457 (p.694), and 2 acres of land from John and Petronilla Albyn in 1454 (p.671).

A p(o)ulter was a poulterer, i.e. a dealer in poultry, eggs and game. Watford was another St Albans manor, and John Wayne presumably ran his business there as well as at Winslow.

Copyright 11 December, 2012