Will of Jhon Whenyllborowe, 1547

Herts RO 3AR746

Herts RO also holds the filed copy of this will but it is not fit to produce; hence the reading of John's occupation remains in some doubt.

John Whenylborow of Sainte Lawrence Wynneslow

In the name of god amen the fowrthe day of January and in the yere of owr lorde god 1546 and in the xxxviij yere of the reygne of owr sov(er)ygne lorde Henry the viij by the grace of god kyng of England Fraunce and Irelande defende and ye supreme hede of the church of Englande and Irelande I Jhon Whenyllborowe of the p(ar)ish of sayinct Lawrence in Wynselowe and of the countie of Buckyngh(a)m hosyer[?] beyng sicke in body and hole in my sowle and of p(er)fyght memorye I thanke J(esus) do ordeyn this my last wyll and Testamente in man(ner) and foorme folowyng First I bequeath my sowle to Allmyghtie god and to the gloriouse mother owr lady saynct Mary and to all the blessyd company of heavyn and my body to be buried within the churchyarde of saynct Lawrence in Wynselowe aforesaid also I bequeath to the mother church of saynct Albaynes iij d  It(e)m I bequeathe to

[page 2] It(e)m I bequeathe to the hygh awltar of saynct Lawrence in Wynselowe for my Tythes neclygentely forgottyn iij d  It(e)m I bequeath to ev(er)y awlltar within the said church iiij d It(e)m to the bells iiij d It(e)m to the roode lyghte and the sepulcre lyght vj d and the torchys vj d It(e)m I bequeathe to the byeyng of a kanabye cloth xij d It(e)m I bequeathe to Anthony my soon ij bastarde lowms and all (tha)t belongyth to theym.  It(e)m I bequeath to Jhon Cowp(er) ye mydle lowme and half the geyrs as long as Anthony and the said Jhon can agre togythurs or ells to take his lowme and go his way It(e)m to the same Anthony a mallte quearne.  It(e)m to the same Anthony  my horse wyth all my hosyers[?] geres. It(e)m I bequeath to Robert my soon my Read Cowe  It(e)m I bequeath to Richarde my soon a blacke heyffyer & iiij shepe & to the same Richarde the twide[?] matrys and a payr of shets ney neyther of the best nor of ye woorst and a koverlyet neyther of the best or the worst and also I bequeathe to ye said Richard my soon ye least panne of the thre & I wyll (tha)t S(ir) Thomas my goastely Father shall have the kepyng of the said Richarde It(e)m I bequeth to Nycholas my soon xx x shepe, It(e)m I bequeathe to Ellyn my doughter iiij shepe. It(e)m I bequeath to Ellyn my doughter ij kyerchyffs It(e)m to Ellyn my doughter ye myddlemost Kettell. It(e)m I bequeth to Nycholas my soon my greate kettyl. It(e)m I bequeathe to Robert my soon ye least kettle, of the thre It(e)m I bequeth to Joane my maid ij of my wyefs best gownes & the said Johan ij of the best platters save twayne no more of my goods moveable nor unmoveable neyther bequeathed nor gyvyn  I do gyve theym holy to Anthony my soon whome I do ordeyne & make one of myne executors and the said Anthonye to se my debts and bequests paid and my body honestely brought to the earth and I desyre John Pallmar my godfather to be my Executor w(i)th my soon Anthony and he to have v s for his payns takyng wyth hym. It(e)m I make Richarde Edmu(n)des to be myne ov(er)seer and hayth surrendred my howse and my lands in to his hands to the behooffe of Anthony my soon and the said Richarde Edmu(n)des to have xij d for his paynes takying these beyng wytnes Thomas Graunge Clerke and curate theyr Thomas Cowp(er) Rogberte Cowp(er), Roger Glaspe w(i)th others

[Probate granted 2 June 1547 to Anthony and John the executors]

Inventory of John Wenylborowe, 1547

Herts RO A25/162

The Inventory indentid of all and singuler goods dets & cattayl of Jhon Wenylborowe lat of Wynslowe mad the xxiiijth daye of maye in the fyrst yer of the raigne of king Edward the syxte praysed by three indiferent men that is to say Will(ia)m Parrot Nycholas Sponer & Thomas Graunt w(i)th others

In primis in the chamber bedding and bolsters w(i)th all other implements ther unto belonging
x s
It(e)m brasse and pewter and a cobbard a table a forme and hangings with fine coysshyns praysed at
xvj s
It(e)m in the wevars shope three lombes and a malte querne with all other things pertayning to the said lombes
xx s
It(e)m in wood
v[?] s
It(e)m ij spits & a payre of cobbyerns w(i)th a fyerpane and a gosse pane w(i)th a payre of pot hangings
iij s iiij d
It(e)m a horse
x s
It(e)m a cowe and a wening calfe
xiij s iiij d
It(e)m xix speppe
xlvj s viij d
It(e)m a sowe
ij s viij d
It(e)m iiij Doucks
vj d
These be the Detts folloing that was owing to Jhon Wenyborow at the hour of his deathe
In primis Mr Raffe Gefford
xj s
It(e)m Water Hawekyns
vj s
It(e)m Thomas Kynge
xl s
It(e)m Water Kynge
vj s ix d
It(e)m Master George Verney
v s
It(e)m Mr George Gefford
xij s
It(e)m Neyles wife
iiij s
It(e)m Mr Witte
vj s viij d
It(e)m Robert Garter
v s
It(e)m Jhon Ward
x s
It(e)m James Bule
xx d
It(e)m Cripps
ij s
It(e)m Mychaell Cocks
iij s
It(e)m Jhon Curtysse
xij d
It(e)m Thomas Cowper
ij s
It(e)m Jhon Grace
xx d
It(e)m Robart Snowe
xx d
It(e)m Richar(d) Kyght
xvj d
It(e)m Roger Shelton
ij s viij d
It(e)m Thomas Homende
ij s viij d
It(e)m Seth Myllor
xiij s ix d
It(e)m sp Sheppard of Marstone
ix d
It(e)m Edmund Barton
iij s
It(e)m Grace of Granborowe
viij s
It(e)m Jhon Bowden
iij s viij d
It(e)m Edward Mayne
iij s iiij d
It(e)m Margery Wenylborow
iiij s
It(e)m Wyllyat
xxvj s
It(e)m Colls the tanner
iiij li
It(e)m Water King xj busshell of wheat and three busshell of beans the summe of all is
vj s viiij d
It(e)m Thomas Pygell twelve busshells of barley
iiij s
It(e)m Robert Carter x busshells of barley
iij s iiij d
It(e)m Seth Miller one \q(ua)rt(er)/ of malt
iiij s
It(e)m Jone Smyth one q(ua)rt(er) of malt
iiij s
It(e)m Richard Knight one q(ua)rt(er) of malt & iiij busshells of barley
v s
It(e)m Rychard Snowe one q(ua)rt(er) of malt
iiij s
It(e)m the same Richard twoo busshells of wheat & ij busshell of beanes
xx d
Thes be the deets foloyng that Jhon Wenylborow dyd owe at the owre of his Deth
In primis Mr George Geyfford
xxxix s viij d
It(e)m to Edward Kynge
It(e)m to Fowelar of Swaneborne
liij s iiij d
It(e)m to (Christ)ofer master Gyffords man
xlvj s viiij d
It(e)m to Mr Boston
xxvj s
It(e)m to Geffery Rosse
xxvij s
It(e)m to Thomas Mybare
xiij s iiij d
It(e)m Thomas Tomlyne
x s
It(e)m Will(ia)m Gyles
ix s
It(e)m Robert Kynge
xix s
It(e)m Thomas Wenilborowe
xxv s
It(e)m Lawraunce Sythe
xiij s iiij d
It(e)m Will(ia)m Barbor
xx s
The hole sume



kanabye = canopy

speppe = sheep