Will of Thomas Whenylborowe, 1546 (proved 1547)

Herts RO 3AR75

In the name of god amen the xxiiij day of Novembre in the yere of owr lord god 1546 I Thomas Whenylborowe of the p(ar)ish of saynct Lawrence in Wynselowe beyng sicke in body & hole in sowll & of p(er)fyght memorye I thanke J(esus) do make (thi)s my last wyll in man(ner) and forme folowyng First I bequeath my sowll to god Allmyghtie to his blessid mother o(u)r lady saynct Mary & to all the gloryiouse company of hevyn & my body to be b(ur)yed w(i)thin the churchyarde of st Lawrence in Wynselowe aforesaid It(e)m I do bequeath to the mother church of st Albaynes ij d  It(e)m I bequeathe to Anthony my soon a hold bed w(i)th all things belonging unto yt & iij payr of sheyts a Calfe & my [word omitted] to bryng yt up  It(e)m I make my wyefe my sole Executrix these wytnes Sir Thomas Graunge curate Jhon Whenylborowe & Jhon Austen, John Brynsaw

[Probate granted 2 June 1547 to the Executrix.]

These could be the people involved in the following case from the Court of King's bench, Hilary Term 1529 (TNA, KB27/1070):

[translated from Latin]

Buk'. Thomas Wendylborowe & Agnes his wife in their own persons appeared on the 4th day against Richard Popkyn late of Waddon in the said county "yoman" & Richard Brokhall late of Shenley in the said county "yoman", concerning grievous bodily harm [mahemium] of Agnes and breaking of the King's peace, on which they summoned them. And they did not come. And the sheriff was ordered to attach them. And the sheriff returned that they were not found etc. Therefore the sheriff was ordered to take them if etc., and saving etc., so that he has their bodies before the Lord King in the octave of Candlemas. [repeated with an order for the sheriff to have them three weeks from Easter].

Copyright 13 July, 2023