Will of Frances Willmott, widow, 1685/6
National Archives, PROB 11/383
In the name of God Amen I Frances Willmott of Winslow in the County of Bucks Widow being of perfect memory but weake in body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye and being minded to sett my House in order I doe appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following First and principally bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmighty God who gave it me and my body to the earth to to be buryed in such a decent manner as my Executor hereafter menconed shall think fitt And as for such earthly goods as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I doe give and dispose of as followeth Imprimis I doe give and bequeath unto Peter Lownds the elder of Winslow the sum(m)e of Five pounds And alsoe I doe give \un/to Abraham Teagle of Middle Claydon the sum(m)e of Five pounds whom I doe constitute and appoint to be Overseers of this my Will and Testament Item I doe give unto William Warr the sum(m)e of Five pound Item I doe give unto Richard Lutnam of Winslow the sum(m)e of Five pound Item I give unto Elizabeth {Elizabeth} Chandler of Winslow Widow the sum(m)e of Five pound Item I doe give unto every one of my Godchildren that shall be found liveing at the time of my death the \summe of/ five shillings apeice Item I doe give unto the poore Widowes of Winslow each of them sixpence apeice which Legacies I doe give and appoint to be paid within \one/ halfe a yeare after my death Item I give unto Thomas Roberson of Winslow the sum(m)e of Five pound Item I give unto Richard Barton of Little Horwood the sum(m)e of Five pound to be paid as abovesaid And as for all the rest of my goods and debts I doe give and bequeath unto my Kinsman Robert Michell whom I doe make constitute and appoint to be \my/ full and whole Executor of this my Will and Testament revokeing and makeing void all other Wills or Executors had made or appointed before by me and doe appoint this to be my last Will and Testament In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the Tenth day of March in the second yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord James the second and in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred eighty five.
The marke of Frances Willmott.
Signed sealed menconed and subscribed to in the presence of us Peter Lowndes Abraham Teagle Richard Ginger
[Latin: Probate granted at London on 23 April 1686 to Robert Michell, executor]
Inventory of Frances Willmott, 1686
National Archives PROB 4/16417
[Only the left side of the inventory has survived, so there are no figures]
A true and perfect [inventory]
of all & singuler the goods [chattels - - - of Frances]
Willmott late[?] of the Par[ish of Winslow in the County of]
Bucks widdow dec(eas)ed taken the [ - - - ]
Thirtieth day of March in the ye[ar of our lord God]
one thousand six hundred and [eighty six and in the]
second year of the Raigne of our [sovereign]
Lord James the Second by the [grace of God king of England]
Scotland France and Irelan[d defender of the]
faith &c by Richard [Ginger? and]
Thomas Robinson[?] as followeth
Imprimis In her Purse and weareing apparrell [ |
Item In the Hall one Cupboard one [ |
and one brass pan and other old brass [ |
Lumber |
Item In the Chamber belowe some flaggons [ |
other old pewter and other small things [ |
Item In the Chamber over the Hall two [ |
and three pare of Sheets with the Res[ |
[....] |
Item In the yard a parcell of wood and [ |
Lumber |
Item In Obligacons and other Desp[erate |
Debts |
Sum(m)a Totalis huius Inventarii |
[signed] Geo: Sayer
[Presented .. April 1686 by Master ..... for the executor]
Frances Willmott (b.1613) was buried on 27 March 1687, and her executor had to pay 50s to the poor because she was not buried in woollen. Presumably her bequest to the poor widows formed part of that. She was the widow of Thomas Willmott, tailor, d.1677, who came from Whitchurch originally. She was the sister of Nicholas Mitchell (d.1665), with whom she lived at The Bull. She married Thomas at Twyford in 1664, and her brother Robert claimed that this was so Thomas could get his hands on The Bull.
See Mitchell family.